Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts in Independent Film
April 8, 2021 - Filmmaker Nathalie Therriault (THE TAILOR)

THE TAILOR was the winner of BEST SHORT FILM at the upcoming April 2021 LGBTQ+ Film Festival. Sign up to watch the festival for FREE all day Saturday HERE

Conversation with first time filmmaker Nathalie Therriault on the process making this terrific filmm.

THE TAILOR is about a gender non-conforming person struggling to assert their identity unexpectedly finds courage in an aging master tailor.

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April 6, 2021 - Screenwriter Tim McClelland (15)

“15” was the winning THRILLER/SUSPENSE Festival screenplay for March 2021. Great chat with writer Tim McClelland on the process of turning his idea into a script.

Audio version best scene reading after the interview.

WATCH the Screenplay Reading of “15”

As a child, Adrian experienced a horrific trauma resulting in 15 years of self-imposed solitude in his home, and now, his brother is sanctioning a radical new therapy that will push Adrian to his limits, forcing him to question his own sanity.


Narrator: Val Cole
Adrian: Kyana Teresa
Barton: Geoff Mays

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April 5, 2021 - Filmmaker Rod Aloras (THE FLAME OF MEMORY)

THE FLAME OF MEMORY was the winner of BEST SHORT FILM at the March 2021 DOCUMENTARY Short Film Festival.

A special podcast with director Rod Aloras on the making of this amazing film. Perhaps the best film showcased at the WILDsound Festivals so far in 2021. This is a must listen to podcast on the art of following your instincts and heart when creating.

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March 31, 2021 - FIlmmaker Jane Stephens Rosenthal (THE HIDEAWAY)

THE HIDEAWAY was the winner of Best Performances at the April 2021 Female Film Festival. You can watch this film and the April 2021 Female Film Festival this Saturday April 3rd. RSVP your FREE TICKETS here and see the full lineup of films.

“Nika, a 14-year old tomboy, is just trying to figure out her place in the adolescent world. When she hears a rumor that her mother is a stripper, she at first doesn’t know what to do.”

Great conversation with director Jane Stephens Rosenthal on the process making this film at the AFI (American Film Institute).

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March 28, 2020 - Screenwriter Richard M. Kjeldgaard (SEVERENCE PAYBACK)

SEVERENCE PAYBACK is a winning THRILLER/SUSPENSE Festival screenplay. Great chat with writer Richard M. Kjeldgaard on the process of screenwriting, and his other award winning work.

Watch the winning screenplay reading HERE

Narrator: Hannah Ehman
Female Voice/Amanda: Kyana Teresa
Female Voice #2/Teenage Voice: Val Cole
Male Voice/Parking Attendant: Allan Michael Brunet
Lindsey Voice: Julie Sheppard
Robert Voice: Bill Poulin


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The entire filmmaking team of “RESCUE STORY”, winner of BEST FEATURE FILM at the March 2021 Festival. Watch FOR FREE the film at the Environmental Film Festival this Sunday. Get your tickets HERE and see the full lineup of films.

RESCUE STORY dramatically presents the challenges facing traditional shelters and societal causes for animal overpopulation.

Interview with Executive Producers Brian Ross & Kimberly Resch. Director Daniel Gartzke. Cinematographer Max Hauser. Cinematographer/Producer Joshua Murphy.

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March 23, 2021 - Filmmaker/Photographer Danny Boulet (SMALL WORLD)

SMALL WORLD was the winner of BEST DANCE FILM at the March 2021 DANCE & MUSIC Film Festival. Film playing at the Free Virtual Festival this Saturday (Streams all day). RSVP HERE to sign up to watch.

SMALL WORLD is a dance exploration of the confines of a small world where everything changes and moves in unexpected ways. When what is up and what is down and what is still and what moves is in constant flux, the question arises- to what extent do we adjust to fit the new normal in this world?

Great chat with Danny Boulet on the process of making this terrific dance film with his amazingly talented wife as the star.

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March 22, 2021 - Screenwriter Joe Capucini (PERMISSION)

PERMISSION is a winning short screenplay about a married couple still suffering from an unimaginable tragedy, and are challenged with an unexpected opportunity.

Great conversation with screenwriter Joe Capucini on the process of writing screenplays and writing in general.

Watch the Winning Screenplay Reading HERE

Still suffering from an unimaginable tragedy, a married couple is challenged with an unexpected opportunity.


Narrator: Steve Rizzo

Ethan: Sean Ballantyne

Ashley: Julie Sheppard


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March 16, 2021 - Filmmaker Jared Moossy & DOC Subject Allie Cole (IT’S JUST ME)

IT’S JUST ME is a portrait of Allie Cole, a Black transgender woman who sits on all the fault lines of all of America’s concerns about gender and class, just by being her authentic self.

Great chat with the filmmaker Jared Moossy and the main character of the documentary Allie Cole. How the film got made and what’s next for this pair.

Film playing at the DOCUMENTARY Shorts Festival this Saturday March 20th. RSVP to watch for FREE HERE

Go to the Filmmakers website:

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March 14, 2021 - Filmmaker Roshi Givechi (MY FAMILY TREES)

“My Family Trees” is a bittersweet tale about a man from Iran who took unconventional measures to stitch his family back together in Kansas…one single tree at a time.

Interview with filmmaker Roshi Givechi on the process of making this terrific documentary film. Piecing this personal film together and pushing past the insecurities and fears to get it done.

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March 12, 2021 - Filmmaker Burak Tatar (BUST)

“An ordinary day goes South in Los Angeles.” - is the summary of BUST. A 7 minute crime film that is a must watch.

Playing at the Crime/Thriller Festival this Sunday March 14th. RSVP to FREE to stream all day HERE.

Great chat with filmmaker Burak Tatar on how this film got made, why he keeps making films, and moving from theatre directing to film directing.

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March 11, 2021 - Filmmaker Jeremy Charles (TOTSU (REDBIRD))

An indigenous woman must confront a mysterious predator in parallel worlds of prehistory and dystopian future. - Is the summary of the award winning film TOTSU (REDBIRD), directed by Jeremy Charles.

Playing at the Crime/Thriller Festival this Sunday March 14th. RSVP to FREE to stream all day HERE.

Great conversation with filmmaker Jeremy Charles on the process making the film, living & working in Oklahoma, and getting more Indigenous films made.

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March 10, 2021 - Filmmaker/Animator Andrea Cavuoto (UNDERDOG)

UNDERDOG is the story of a clumsy criminal, Mad Dog, who accepted the job of stealing the suitcase of the Mob Boss in the reptile district: Al Gatore.. An animation masterpiece. Winner of BEST SHORT FILM at the Crime Film Festival.

Playing at the Crime/Thriller Festival this Sunday March 14th. RSVP to FREE to stream all day HERE.

Nice conversation from Italy with filmmaker/animator Andrea Cavuoto on the process of making UNDERDOG.

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March 9, 2021 - Actor/Director Dylan Mask (CRUEL WORLD)

As he drives down an old dirt road John has one thing on his mind: “Reunite with the woman he loves”. - That is the summary of CRUEL WORLD, written/directed/starring Dylan Mask. Playing at the Crime/Thriller Festival this Sunday March 14th. RSVP to FREE to stream all day HERE.

Great chat with Dylan Mask on growing up in the Niagara region, and the process of making CRUEL WORLD.

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March 8, 2021 - Screenwriter Stephen John Beyer (Solstice)

“Solstice” is written along the lines of films like “April Fool’s Day” and “Wicker Man.” The story is about Angela who tries to overcome her fear of death while friends from her past are being murdered around her.

Conversation with the screenwriter Stephen John Beyer. He talks about his writing process, and the art of getting it done on the page.

Watch the best scene of SOLTICE HERE

Narrator: Val Cole
Angela: Julie Sheppard
Peter/Julius: Steven Rizzo
Fred/Thomas: Allan Michael Brunet
Amy: Kyana Teresa
Clayton: Andy Kamp
Ken: Bill Poulin

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March 7, 2021 - Screenwriter Alberto “Mojo” Peña (Peaky Blinders: “Good Friday”)

The art of writing a spec screenplay from an existing television show. Great chat with screenplay writer Alberto “Mojo” Pena on the process writing an episode for the TV show Peaky Blinders.

Alberto talks about the process of writing a spec script. The greatness of Peaky Blinders. And how he got the nickname “Mojo”.

Watch the best scene screenplay reading of Peaky Blinders HERE

Tommy Shelby is missing, Shelby Limited is financially broke and Michael has teamed with the Billy Boys to take over and absorb the Peaky Blinders gang.

Narrator: Steve Rizzo
Jimmy: Geoff Mays
Michael: Sean Ballantyne

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March 6, 2021 - Filmmaker Malhaar Gupte (PHANTOM SONG)

“Officer Kaya, a cyborg police-woman discovers a prism that has been appearing in her dreams. Trailing the source of the prism, she slowly uncovers details of her unknown past.” That is the summary of the short film PHANTOM SONG, that played at the February 20201 Fantasy/Sci-Fi Festival.

Terrific interview with director Malhaar Gupte on the process making the film.

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March 5, 2021 - Journalist/Filmmaker Richard Lui (SKY BLOSSOM)

“As young as eleven years old, they are taking care of parents and grandparents who are battling sickness. We call them Care Heroes. And there are five million of them in America.:” That is the summary of the multiple winning feature documentary SKY BLOSSOM, directed by world renowned journalist Richard Lui.

SKY BLOSSOM is playing at the DIVERSITY Film Festival this Sunday March 7th. Get your FREE TICKETS and you’ll be able to stream for free all day.

Terrific conversation with Richard Lui on the process making this documentary through the years and why he made it. At the end we tackle the state of journalism in 2021.

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March 3, 2021 - Filmmaker Luigi Rizzo (THE INVISIBLE MIRROR)

THE INVISIBLE MIRROR is a true artistic film with many emotional layers. It’s a pleasure to chat with filmmaker Luigi Rizzo on the process on making this film. It all began with a walk with his wife in Italy and having an idea.

Played at the February 2021 Experimental Film Festival.

Summary of film: At night while something has happened in a house of an old lady, a young girl dresses to go to a party. Through the dance and the music, suddenly youth and age merge together in an ephemeral and dynamic moment, ultimately connected.

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March 2, 2021 - Singer/Songwriter/Musician BONZIE (ALONE Music Video)

ALONE was the winner of BEST ANIMATION FILM at the February 2021 Experimental, Dance & Music Festival. ALONE was named one of the top songs of 2020 by The New York Times.

Go to BONZIE’s website to watch the ALONE Music Video :

Great chat with talented artist BONZIE on her process of writing songs, and her collaboration with the animator Miyo Sato on making the video.

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