Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged horror
EP. 1430: Filmmaker Nathan William Frost (Pongo Labyrinth)

Pongo Labyrinth [VTuber KawaiiMermaid120’s Final Livestream], 11min., USA
Directed by Nathan William Frost
An eerie glitchy stop-motion video made by Nathan Frost about a Virtual YouTuber’s final livestream.

Get to know the filmmaker:

What motivated you to make this film?:

I was inspired to make Pongo Labyrinth from growing up on the internet and seeing it evolve and devolve in real time. Mostly devolve, through online parasocial relationships of creators and Silicon Valley algorithms used to suppressed people In actual need of help. This new era of the internet has led to creators having to bend a knee to algorithms and be someone they’re not. Creators are forced to make quick and sanitized art to keep up with the algorithm. It leads to burnout and kills creativity. It also leads to creators getting addicted to likes and followers as a source of dopamine. Due to the abusive algorithm, some creators lean into their audience/viewers’ support for their own benefit. They become obsessed with power. Only then will viewers see the creators’ true colors as the persona starts to slip, one way or another. I made Pongo Labyrinth to express that mind-numbing horror of losing one’s true self on the internet.

From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film?:

Pongo Labyrinth took a year to make from the idea stage to the ten minute and 30 second finished work. The idea of an orangutan in a fleshy landscape came to me while at college in biology class for some reason.

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EP. 1430: Filmmaker Nathan William Frost (Pongo Labyrinth)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1404: Filmmakers Senda Maud Bonnet & Rebecca Berrih (TURN IT OFF)


Directed by Senda Maud Bonnet

A woman races through the woods, hiding from an unseen threat. After injuring her leg, she finds refuge in a house, but we see a girl curled up on her couch, safe at home watching the same film we are. As the woman hides, the girl realizes the events on-screen are linked to her world. Terrified, she turns off the TV but hears a cry from upstairs. Drawn by fear, she approaches her closet...

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EP. 1404: Filmmakers Senda Maud Bonnet & Rebecca Berrih (TURN IT OFF)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1292 - Filmmaker Mick Strawn (SOLITUDE)

Directed by Jeremy Brown, Mick Strawn
A famous upbeat survivalist is cast for a popular television
series about surviving in solitude, but survival turns to despair when she discovers a supernatural entity's presence.

Interview with well renowed Production Designer Mick Strawn about his upcoming co-director horror film "Solitude".

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EP. 1292 - Filmmaker Mick Strawn (SOLITUDE)
Matthew ToffoloEP. 1292 - Filmmaker Mick Strawn (SOLITUDE)
EP. 1233 - Filmmaker Jax Deerman Kinlaw (WEREWOLF MARGARITA)

Directed by Jax Deerman Kinlaw
A young woman is stalked by a werewolf.

Get to know the filmmaker:

I originally wrote Werewolf Margarita as an assignment in a college screenwriting class. The assignment: pick a random song lyric out of a hat and write a 5-10 page screenplay inspired by the song lyric. I got the lyric, “I saw a Werewolf drinking a Pina Colada” and it started from there. When we did a class reading of the script, i got great responses from both my classmates and teachers so I knew I wanted to make it into a film at some point. Once I graduated, I wanted to continue moving forward in the industry ao I picked up my favorite script from filmschool and pressed go!

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EP. 1233 - Filmmaker Jax Deerman Kinlaw (WEREWOLF MARGARITA)
Matthew Toffolo
Nov. 4, 2023 - Filmmaker Eric Burleson (THE BEF)

THE BEF, 9min., USA
Directed by Eric Burleson
While being pursued by a police officer, a young boy struggles with his decisions for the baby in his care and how to help his sick mother.

Get to know the filmmaker:

The motivation for the bef started because I wanted to do one more short film on the east coast before I moved to Los Angeles. Time was definitely not on our side. I had planned to do my cross country road trip at the end of July 2018 and it was May. Once the script was completed we hit the ground running on pre-production. Luckily when writing the script I already had the actors in mind for Sammy and Baby but I knew that if I could not get the families on board, then the film would not have happened. Thankfully, after talking with both sets of parents and children, they all were interested and agreed to be in the film. I had worked with Jacob Shapiro (Sammy) and Michael Harrington (Baby) before this so I knew they were the perfect choices. Jacob was the lead in a narrative music video I directed and Michael was in a commercial I directed earlier that year.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Nov. 4, 2023 - Filmmaker Eric Burleson (THE BEF)
Matthew Toffolo
Sept. 11, 2023 - Filmmaker David VanDyke (BRINK)

BRINK, 27min., Canada
Directed by David VanDyke
Out of work and desperate for money, a struggling family man plots an elaborate scheme to secure a cash grab that would exceed his drug-fueled ambitions.

Get to know the filmmaker:

I’ve always loved crime films, especially true crime so when I discovered an old newscast on the Brinks truck robbery that my film is based on, I was immediately hooked to adapt it into a short film.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Sept. 11, 2023 - Filmmaker David VanDyke (BRINK)
Matthew Toffolo
September 7, 2023 - Filmmaker Tanin J. Risdon (THE RED LADY FROM FOLEY STREET)

Directed by Tanin J. Risdon
In a new spin on urban legend slashers, we meet Beth, a teenage outcast, who, at the end of her birthday party learns that her boyfriend Jesse is cheating on her, leading her to exact her revenge on him and all of the people involved with the help of an urban legend of Beth’s own creation.

Get to know the filmmaker:
The DOP Max Humphreys and I just began watching slashers films and got really into the idea of making one ourselves. The next step was to look for writers and we got lucky enough to have Haya Abdul-Hadi and Pablo Lopez take interest in it and come up with the idea for The Red Lady from Foley Street.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

September 7, 2023 - Filmmaker Tanin J. Risdon (THE RED LADY FROM FOLEY STREET)
Matthew David Toffolo
March 20, 2023 - Filmmakers Alexandra Tebano, Dale Johnson (SCARLETT O)

SCARLETT O., 6min., USA, Horror
Directed by Alexandra Tebano, Dale Johnson
A tortured woman is stuck in the purgatory in her own mind forced to relive the same excruciating moment over and over again.

Get to know the filmmakers:

Alexandra: I had found this script again, after years of sitting with it, and it still resonated so much with me. I had realized a lot of the same thought patterns and neurosis was still there, and I felt compelled to make it as the ultimate purge of these emotions and feelings. It felt that if I could really make it this time, I could.

Dale: My main motivation as executive producer was to support Alexandra who wrote it, acted in it, co-directed it and co-produced it.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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March 20, 2023 - Filmmakers Alexandra Tebano, Dale Johnson (SCARLETT O)
Matthew Toffolo
February 6, 2023 - Filmmaker Matthew Catanzano (SPIRITS)

SPIRITS, 9min., USA, Comedy/Horror
Directed by Matthew Catanzano
Some haunts are haunted.

Get to know the filmmaker:
My two great loves are horror and comedy. I have many MANY sketches online and I wanted to add a more straight-forward horror short to the list. Especially since it more accurately reflects the feature scripts I write. I really wanted to make a short that was scary first, had a lot of lore/rules, and showcased what I could do with no budget.

And subject matter-wise, Ghosts scare the hell out of me. I’m a big fan of creatures and monsters, but it’s ghosts that actually keep me up at night. And I really love the idea of haunted places that are also regular businesses that have to operate day-to-day. haha.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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February 6, 2023 - Filmmaker Matthew Catanzano (SPIRITS)
Matthew Toffolo
October 7, 2022 - Filmmaker Tanya M. Wheeler (MEANS TO AN END)

MEAN TO AN END is a winning short film that played at the Festival for Horror.

“A sexy young woman seeks out married men to seduce in a bar in an effort to get pregnant, but her intentions for the baby are unexpected.”

Director Statement

Horror from a female perspective can be disturbing. When I wrote this short script a few years ago, I did not anticipate directing it, but felt that I was the only one who truly understood the dynamics of the characters, so it became my directorial debut. Horror can be full of scary creatures and things that go bump in the night, but I find horror in the mundane, the everyday, and in the ways that humans harm each other. Audiences like to think that women are weak and innately good, but it is patently not true. Evil knows no gender. I would like to thank my amazing talented volunteer cast and crew who brought a very polarizing piece to life and committed utterly. I am thankful that they believed in the project and in the creative vision of a first-time director.

Film playing on the Film Festival Streaming service later this month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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October 7, 2022 - Filmmaker Tanya M. Wheeler (MEANS TO AN END)
Matthew Toffolo
August 3, 2022 - Filmmakers Nicholas Carrodo & Ella Evans (THE DOOR)

THE DOOR was awarded BEST PERFORMANCES at the June 2022 LA Feedback Film Festival.

Director Statement

The Door is a proof of concept short film created in the hopes of finding funding or a distributor for a feature film that has been in the works for over 5 years. This short is an altered version of the beginning of the feature film. There are many more mysteries to unravel and explore.

This short in particular is incredibly personal. It’s essentially how I view the concept of death. After losing people very close to me in the winter of 2020, I made this as a way to cope with and accept what happened. This film is very special and personal to me. Although it will never be explicitly stated in the film, The Door is an allegory for death and my view of it. When someone dies, they’re taken from you. Out of the billions of people on the earth, at some point our loved ones will be “chosen”. They will be taken from us and sent into the unimaginable void that is death. Are they okay wherever they are? Will we ever see them again? To me it’s almost like they pass through a door, never to be seen again. Death itself is not evil, it is natural. It comes for us all no matter how we lived in life. No matter how good you are or how evil and vile you are, you will not be spared by your own mortality. I’ve always viewed horror as an exaggeration of our reality. Our everyday fears translated into things that are larger than life. I want to incorporate these very thoughts into the film.

Something as simple as a door can be terrifying if perceived in the right context. As odd as it sounds, I see a stationary door as the perfect embodiment of death itself. Wherever it may be, no matter if you see it throughout your life or only at the very end, it is always out there. Patiently waiting until it is your time to open it up and pass through.

This short film is dedicated to everyone we lost and those we wish to see again.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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August 3, 2022 - Filmmakers Nicholas Carrodo & Ella Evans (THE DOOR)
Matthew Toffolo
January 16, 2022 - Screenwriter Don Stroud (Misfortune Cookies)

MISFORTUNE COOKIES is the 2021 winning HORROR Festival screenplay. Conversation with writer Don Stroud on the process writing the screenplay, followed by the best scene reading.

Watch the Best Scene Reading of “Misfortune Cookies”

After killing an elderly Chinese chef during a botched robbery, a desperate teenager and her redneck cohorts struggle to stay alive when the chef's spirit returns from the grave, brutally picking them off one-by-one with fortune cookie-themed deaths.


Narration: Elizabeth Rose Morriss

RUDY RAY: Steve Rizzo

DELMER: Geoff Mays

GARNELL: Allan Michael Brunet

PANSY: Kyana Teresa

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January 16, 2022 - Screenwriter Don Stroud (Misfortune Cookies)
Matthew Toffolo
August 27, 2021 - Filmmaker Mitchell Branget (DREAMER'S JOURNEY)
August 27, 2021 - Filmmaker Mitchell Branget (DREAMER'S JOURNEY)
Matthew Toffolo

DREAMER'S JOURNEY was the winner of BEST SHORT FILM at the August 2021 HORROR Film Festival. You can watch the festival and film HERE all day day for FREE.

Conversation with filmmaker Mitchell Branget on his process making this student Horror Film.

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June 2, 2021 - Writer/Producer David Schroeder (THIS MODERN MAN IS BEAT)

THIS MODERN MAN IS BEAT is the winner of BEST THRILLER short film for the 2021 season. You can watch this film at the HORROR/THRILLER Festival this upcoming Friday for FREE HERE.

Amazing conversation with screenwriter turned producer David Schroeder on the process making this film. From Crowdfunding to Distribution - it’s a story you’ll want to hear.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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June 2, 2021 - Writer/Producer David Schroeder (THIS MODERN MAN IS BEAT)
Matthew Toffolo
March 8, 2021 - Screenwriter Stephen John Beyer (Solstice)

“Solstice” is written along the lines of films like “April Fool’s Day” and “Wicker Man.” The story is about Angela who tries to overcome her fear of death while friends from her past are being murdered around her.

Conversation with the screenwriter Stephen John Beyer. He talks about his writing process, and the art of getting it done on the page.

Watch the best scene of SOLTICE HERE

Narrator: Val Cole
Angela: Julie Sheppard
Peter/Julius: Steven Rizzo
Fred/Thomas: Allan Michael Brunet
Amy: Kyana Teresa
Clayton: Andy Kamp
Ken: Bill Poulin

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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March 8, 2021 - Screenwriter Stephen John Beyer (Solstice)
Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 17, 2021 - Filmmaker Rob Misleh (FReIGHT)

Competition and pressure to meet a deadline can lead to great things - and a great movie; which is the case for the award winning short film FReIGHT.

“A handyman arrives to his lost job… of the day? Certainly. Ever? Perhaps…”

Playing at the HORRROR Film Festival this upcoming Friday. RSVP your FREE TICKETS to watch all day Friday.

Great chat with director Rob Misleh on the process making this film.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Feb. 17, 2021 - Filmmaker Rob Misleh (FReIGHT)
Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 8, 2021 - Screenwriter Larry Dwyer (SUMMONING DEMONS)

SUMMONING DEMONS is a winning HORROR Festival SHORT Screenplay. Terrific interview with screenwriter Larry Dwyer on the process of writing this script. Plus, Larry also chats about the festival he created that shows classic Horror films:

Watch the Winning Screenplay Reading:

A couple, expecting a child, toy with the demonic.

Narrator: Val Cole
Deborah: Hannah Ehman
John: Allan Michael Brunet

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Feb. 8, 2021 - Screenwriter Larry Dwyer (SUMMONING DEMONS)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 25, 2021 - Screenwriter Kari Karsten (HELLE’S BELLE)

A based on a true story screenplay about a female serial killer at the beginning of the 20th century. Candid conversation with the writer of HELLE’S BELLE, Kari Karsten, about the process writing this screenplay from the research to finding the structure.

Summary of Script: In the early 20th century a young woman discovers a way to prosper from her husband’s death, leading her down a lifelong path of murderous treachery that threatens to be discovered by a local police detective investigating a sinister series of mysterious events.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Jan. 25, 2021 - Screenwriter Kari Karsten (HELLE’S BELLE)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 2nd 2020 - Interview with Actor/Screenwriter McCaleb Burnett (A VACATION)

Fabulous interview with talented actor turned screenwriter McCaleb Burnett. We dive into the world of creativity during Covid-19, the art of writers groups & how they really help you get things done, and turning McCaleb’s short scripts into movies in the future.

McCaleb Burnett IMDB page:

Watch the winning script reading of A VACATION:

A weekend away. What could be better?

Narration: Steve Rizzo
VO: Julie Sheppard
HE: Shawn Devlin
SHE: Kyana Teresa

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Watch more festival videos on our YouTube channel:

Dec. 2nd 2020 - Interview with Actor/Screenwriter McCaleb Burnett (A VACATION)
Matthew Toffolo
Nov. 24th 2020 - Watch & Listen Podcast: "NORMAL PORN FOR NORMAL PEOPLE" (dir. Amber Rose McNeil)


Then come back and listen to the podcast with director Amber Rose McNeill. A chat out sex on film, violence on film, and serial killers.

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Watch more festival videos on our YouTube channel:

Nov. 24th 2020 - Watch & Listen Podcast: "NORMAL PORN FOR NORMAL PEOPLE" (dir. Amber Rose McNeil)
Matthew Toffolo