Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged winning script
July 16, 2021 - Screenwriter Aubree Sweeney (FIX ME)

FIX ME is the winning SHORT Screenplay from the 1st Scene & Short Script Festival. Interview with writer Aubree Sweeney on the process writing this story with the first scene reading after.

WATCH the 1st Scene Reading HERE


Narration: Allison
Arianna: Kyana Teresa
Miss Walker/Sara: Elizabeth Rose Morriss
Mason: Allan Michael Brunet
Dr. Ruffalo/Tammy: Hannah Ehman
Tom/Isaac/John: Bill Poulin
Larry/Jack/Homeless Man: Shawn Devlin

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July 16, 2021 - Screenwriter Aubree Sweeney (FIX ME)
Matthew Toffolo
June 14, 2021 - Screenwriter Caledonia Hanson (NECROPOLIS)

NECROPOLIS is an award winning TV PILOT screenplay. Conversation with writer Caledonia Hanson on the process writing this series and the process making it happen. Followed by audio version best scene reading of the script after the interview.

WATCH the video of the best scene reading.

Necropolis: A violent and seedy hell on earth, the part of the city everyone warns you about. When 18-year-old Eddie Soreno ventures into this insidious place to uncover the truth of his father’s past, only his sister, Maria, holds hope that he will return alive. Against the clock, Maria goes in after him, willingly risking her life so that her brother won’t suffer the same fate as their father.

Narrator: Allison Kampf
Horaz: Sean Ballantyne

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June 14, 2021 - Screenwriter Caledonia Hanson (NECROPOLIS)
Matthew Toffolo
April 26, 2021 - Screenwriter Karen Goldfarb (WHY IS TONIGHT)

Great conversation with the award winning screenwriter about her short screenplay WHY IS TONIGHT. Followed by audio version full screenplay reading.

The script tells the story of a family whose experience of being Jewish is radically different. The first Passover is taking place in the Warsaw Ghetto and then about 30 years later, in the 1970’s.

Passover 1943, Sybil, in her thirties, tries to enjoy a meal wit her family but is interrupted as the war outside rages on and Nazi intrude.


Narrator: Sean Ballantyne
Henryk/Mel: Shawn Devlin
Bekah/Ruthie: Hannah Ehman
Sybil: Julie Sheppard
Sam/Ben/Sidney/Nazi: Bill Poulin
Abby/Frannie/Daniellie: Elizabeth Rose Morriss
Ellie/Lillian: Kyana Teresa

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April 26, 2021 - Screenwriter Karen Goldfarb (WHY IS TONIGHT)
Matthew Toffolo
April 13, 2021 - Screenwriter Valeran Lothaniel (THE MANDALORIAN)

She’s a journalist, a future politician and a full fledged nerd of the Star Wars universe. Valeran Lotaniel is also the FAN FICTION Screenplay winner for her Season 3 Episode 1 version of THE MANDALORIAN. Great interview on the process writing this film.

Listen to the audio version best scene reading of her Mandalorian script.

WATCH NOW the video best scene reading.

Four years after returning the child Grogu to the Jedi, the lone Mandalorian warrior Din Djarin faces his greatest challenge yet: protecting four foundlings from conflicting Galactic forces, and raising them in the way of the Mand’alor.


Narrator: Kyana Teresa
Cobb Vanth: Allan Michael Brunet
Mandalorian: Allison Kampf
Voice on the Comlink: Andy Camp

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April 13, 2021 - Screenwriter Valeran Lothaniel (THE MANDALORIAN)
Matthew Toffolo
April 3, 2021 - Screenwriter Daniel Roche (Nature > Nuture)

“When the north and south magnetic poles flip overnight, people’s innate personalities are revealed.” - That is the teaser of the winning SCI-FI/FANTASY Festival TV PILOT screenplay by Daniel Roche.

Great chat with the writer on the process of working on this script, plus the audio version best scene reading after the interview.

Watch the winning Script Reading HERE


Narrator: Steve Rizzo

Alexander: Allan Michael Brunet

Dr. Fields: Sean Ballantyne

Grayson: Andy Camp

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April 3, 2021 - Screenwriter Daniel Roche (Nature > Nuture)
Matthew Toffolo
March 22, 2021 - Screenwriter Joe Capucini (PERMISSION)

PERMISSION is a winning short screenplay about a married couple still suffering from an unimaginable tragedy, and are challenged with an unexpected opportunity.

Great conversation with screenwriter Joe Capucini on the process of writing screenplays and writing in general.

Watch the Winning Screenplay Reading HERE

Still suffering from an unimaginable tragedy, a married couple is challenged with an unexpected opportunity.


Narrator: Steve Rizzo

Ethan: Sean Ballantyne

Ashley: Julie Sheppard


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March 22, 2021 - Screenwriter Joe Capucini (PERMISSION)
Matthew Toffolo
March 15, 2021 - Screenwriter Sierra Hall (Sweet Valley Spy)

The art of writing a screenplay: Hunker down and get the words on the page. Go back and edit.

Great chat with winning screenwriter Sierra Hall on the process of writing her TV PILOT script SWEET VALLEY SPY, loosely based on the “Sweet Valley High” novel series. Now the characters have grown up!

Watch the Best Scene Reading HERE

Liza has a budding career at a pharmaceutical company. Her twin sister, Jess, talks to a bottle of tequila and dates a guy who tells dead-baby jokes. When Liza mysteriously disappears, Jess gets a crash course in the family business – espionage.

Narrator: Allison
The Narrator: Geoff Mays –
The Spy: Andy Kamp
Rick Astley: Rick Astley
Jess: Hannah Ehman
Liza: Julie Sheppard

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March 15, 2021 - Screenwriter Sierra Hall (Sweet Valley Spy)
Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 19, 2021 - Screenwriter Jay Servedio (Letterkenny: “Dary’s Super-soft Poem”)

The art of writing a spec screenplay. Jay Servedio is just starting out in his career and he just won our TV SPEC Screenplay contest for his script based on the LETTERKENNY television show.

WATCH the winning 1st scene reading.

The hicks help Dary write a poem to woo a “cultured lass”; The hockey players run a bake sale for new jerseys.

Narrator: Julie Sheppard
Wayne: Allan Michael Brunet
Daryl: Steve Rizzo
Squirrley: Bill Poulin
Katy: Kyana Teresa

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Feb. 19, 2021 - Screenwriter Jay Servedio (Letterkenny: “Dary’s Super-soft Poem”)
Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 9, 2021 - Screenwriter L. Andrew Cooper (COME ALIVE)

COME ALIVE is a winning LGBTQ+ Festival script about a middle-aged gay couple’s attempt to rekindle their relationship that turns into an absurd, hormone-fueled quest to defeat alien invaders and save a new LGBTQ society.

Great chat with screenwriter L. Andrew Cooper on the process of writing this script.

Watch the winning best scene reading:

Narrator: Elizabeth Rose Morriss
Alvy: Bill Poulin
Tim: Allan Michael Brunet
Ron: Steve Rizzo
Michelle: Julie Sheppard
Duke: Geoff Mays

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Feb. 9, 2021 - Screenwriter L. Andrew Cooper (COME ALIVE)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 4, 2021 - Screenwriter Daniel Corey (CRACKSMEN)

CRACKSMEN is a terrific high concept feature screenplay written by comic book writer/screenwriter Daniel Corey:

“Cracksmen are a new class of criminal that specialize in slipping into an alternate dimension to commit crimes. Jake is one of the best, but to escape the mob, he has to strike a deal that will get him in trouble with syndicates on both sides of reality.”

Watch the Best Scene Screenplay Reading:

Narrator: Elizabeth Rose Morriss
Jake: Steve Rizzo
Leo: Sean Ballantyne
Isis: Allison Kampf

Writer Biography – Daniel Corey

Daniel Corey is a writer and content producer who has created for comics, live theatre and virtual reality.

Daniel’s projects include the graphic novels BLOODWORTH and PROPHET, which he wrote and distributed through his company, DangerKatt, as well as MORIARTY and RED CITY, which he published through Image Comics (home of THE WALKING DEAD). MORIARTY has been adapted into a VR comic book titled MORIARTY: ENDGAME VR, which earned him the #2 spot on Onalytica’s Top 100 VR Influencers list.

He has also worked in broadcast news for NPR and ABC, serves on the Creative Writing Program Advisory Committee at Full Sail University, and speaks at pop culture conventions around the country.

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Jan. 4, 2021 - Screenwriter Daniel Corey (CRACKSMEN)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec, 30, 2020 - Screenwriter Anthony Catino (Neighbor Versus Neighbor)

Winning short screenplay writer Antony Catino wrote a polarizing story called NEIGHBOR VERSUS NEIGHBOR, about the insidious nature of government oppression and how blind we are to the methods government and political parties use to retain power.

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

Wracked with guilt, a former East German Stasi officer who enforced tyranny and destroyed lives – including his own family – uses current events as a chance for redemption to fight government oppression.

Anneliese: Julie Sheppard
Frank: Geoff Mays
Martin: Shawn Devlin
Brianna: Hannah Ehman
Esf Agent/Desmond: Bill Poulin

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Dec, 30, 2020 - Screenwriter Anthony Catino (Neighbor Versus Neighbor)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 28, 2020 - Screenwriter Monty C. Floyd (WHO KNEW?)

WHO KNEW? is the story about a Hollywood A-lister falling for a spunky political press secretary. A classic romantic comedy that everyone wants to watch, whether they admit it or not!

Great chat with Monty C. Floyd, the Romance Festival screenplay winner, on the process of writing & living overseas in Germany raising a family.

Watch the best scene script reading of WHO KNEW? -

Hope finds unexpected love in Washington D.C..

Narrator: Steve Rizzo
Hope: Kyana Teresa
Dan/Howard: Geoff Mays
Audra: Julie Sheppard

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Dec. 28, 2020 - Screenwriter Monty C. Floyd (WHO KNEW?)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 17, 2020 - Screenwriter/Sportscaster Joel Stern (THE WAITING ROOM)

WILDsound has performed a few of Joel Stern’s winning screenplays through the years. It was great to finally catch up with the sportscaster turned writer.

Joel is very candid with his passion for his work and is a terrific communicator & storyteller.. He saves the best story for last in this interview and shares a very personal story on how life could have changed if only got this one job.

Stay tuned for the audio best scene reading of his winning script THE WAITING ROOM.

Watch the best scene reading:

In this suspense/comedy, Bill Egan, a crusty Alcatraz corrections officer, suddenly finds himself in a waiting room along with a one-armed Medal of Honor award winner-turned hitman, a ditzy bank teller and a Bronx street hoodlum. From different time periods, they try to piece together the events that brought them there.
Little do they know they are about to face the ultimate judgement.

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Thriller


Linda: Cassandra Guthrie
Chuck: John Marcucci
Narrator: Kat Smiley
Bill: Shawn Devlin
Oscar: Sean Ballantyne
Reggie: Sam Fazli

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Dec. 17, 2020 - Screenwriter Joel Stern (THE WAITING ROOM)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 15, 2020 - Screenwriter Kurt T. Choate (INHERITANCE)

Kurt T. Choate, PhD is an associate professor and department chair of psychology and counseling at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

He’s also a great screenwriter.

Listen to the interview with the professor/writer and after listen to the best scene reading of his screenplay INHERITANCE

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

, by Kurt T. Choate

An F.B.I. agent turns to someone from his past to stop a serial killer, but healing the fractured relationship may prove to be the bigger challenge.


Narration: Allison Kampf

Caleb: Geoff Mays

Vaughn: Shawn Devlin

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Dec. 15, 2020 - Screenwriter Kurt T. Choate (INHERITANCE)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 10th 2020 - Actor/Screenwriter Haley Rice (THE LAST GABLETON)

Terrific interview with the actor turned winning screenwriter who wrote this script in a barn during Covid!

“The Last Gableton” takes place at the turn of the twentieth century and is the story of Hildegard Ashdown, an upperclass social pariah who finds herself pursued by Elijah Gableton, the son of a wealthy family. As things progress between them, it becomes clear that Elijah has a very dark secret and that his family will do whatever it takes to keep it.

Watch the best scene Screenplay Reading:

Narrator: Shawn Devlin
Madeline: Julie Sheppard
Hildegard: Kyana Teresa

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Dec. 10th 2020 - Actor/Screenwriter Haley Rice (THE LAST GABLETON)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 9th 2020 - Screenwriter Tyler Frech (The Pestilence)

700 years ago there was another virus called the “Bubonic Plague”. Set in the time of the Black Death, “1348-1350”, “THE PESTILENCE” is a terrific award winning script by Tyler Frech.

Listen to interview with the screenwriter with best scene audio version after.

Watch the best scene reading:

Matthias is torn between God and Man as he travels home to England amidst the Black Death.


Matthias: Steve Rizzo
Father Alberto: Sean Ballantyne
Italian Woman: Julie Sheppard

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Dec. 9th 2020 - Screenwriter Tyler Frech (The Pestilence)
Matthew Toffolo