Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged star wars fan fiction
Ep. 1021 - Filmmaker Benson Mckay (THE TALES OF BOBA FETT)

Directed by Benson Mckay
After a group of smugglers acquire a valuable asset, they soon realize they’re not alone. Without warning, they are being hunted by one of the most feared bounty hunters in the galaxy.

Get to know the filmmaker:

      Boba Fett is one of those characters I feel you can do a lot with. He reminds me of Clint Eastwood’s Man with No Name, there’s not a whole lot you know about him, and I think that’s what makes him so much fun. We wanted to make a movie that showcased the more brutal side of his character and show the fear and panic that occurs with those who try to oppose him.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Ep. 1021 - Filmmaker Benson Mckay (THE TALES OF BOBA FETT)
Matthew Toffolo
July 28, 2021 - Filmmaker James Martinez (ROGUE SEVEN: A STAR WARS FAN FILM)

ROGUE SEVEN: A STAR WARS FAN FILM was the winner of BEST SHORT FILM at the July 2021 FAN FICTION Film Festival. You can watch the film and the full festival all day today HERE

”A young thief must save Rebel fighter pilots from an Imperial armada and an overconfident bounty hunter.”

Conversation with filmmaker James Martinez on the making of a Star Wars film and telling his own unique story in this universe.

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July 26, 2021 - Filmmaker James Martinez (ROGUE SEVEN: A STAR WARS FAN FILM)
Matthew Toffolo
April 13, 2021 - Screenwriter Valeran Lothaniel (THE MANDALORIAN)

She’s a journalist, a future politician and a full fledged nerd of the Star Wars universe. Valeran Lotaniel is also the FAN FICTION Screenplay winner for her Season 3 Episode 1 version of THE MANDALORIAN. Great interview on the process writing this film.

Listen to the audio version best scene reading of her Mandalorian script.

WATCH NOW the video best scene reading.

Four years after returning the child Grogu to the Jedi, the lone Mandalorian warrior Din Djarin faces his greatest challenge yet: protecting four foundlings from conflicting Galactic forces, and raising them in the way of the Mand’alor.


Narrator: Kyana Teresa
Cobb Vanth: Allan Michael Brunet
Mandalorian: Allison Kampf
Voice on the Comlink: Andy Camp

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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April 13, 2021 - Screenwriter Valeran Lothaniel (THE MANDALORIAN)
Matthew Toffolo
#67 - Watch and Listen. Watch: Fan Fiction Film BUCKETHEADS: A STAR WARS STORY. Listen to filmmakers

Before you listen to this podcast, WATCH the short film BUCKETHEADS: A STAR WARS STORY

Then come back and listen to the interview with the directors of the short film Marco Bossow & Andy Brown

♫ Credits Song:

►Like their Facebook Page:

►Follow them on Instagram:

BUCKETHEADS is a Star Wars Fan Film from the Stormtroopers' perspective. Shot in September 2017 in Vancouver, BC, Canada, it was a wonderful journey, with over 76 people directly involved in this effort to tell a Star Wars Story from the Imperial point of view.

♫ Get the soundtrack: iTunes: Spotify:

►Contact the production: ►Credits sequence created by itsgotstealth: "Into The Coals" written and performed by Buffalo Jones. Used under license.

This episode was sponsored by the 1 page short story contest.

#67 - Watch and Listen. Watch: Fan Fiction Film BUCKETHEADS: A STAR WARS STORY. Listen to filmmakers
WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo
#61 - Interview with Screenwriter Paul Watkins (Kenobi: A Star Wars Story)

The theme of this episode is: “Who deserves an origin story!”S

Chat with the fan fiction screenplay winner Paul Watkins. He wrote an Obi Wan Kenobi Star Wars origin story screenplay.

You can watch the winning reading HERE.

Synopsis of screenplay:

When a hidden settlement on the system of Tatooine is attacked by a force from the past a mysterious villager and his odd ball team will seek out a legendary Jedi Knight.

This podcast was sponsored by the 1 Page Screenplay Contest. Submit your 400 word or less story and get it performed by a professional actor and made into a video.

#61 - Interview with Screenwriter Paul Watkins (Kenobi: A Star Wars Story)