Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged TV Spec
April 13, 2021 - Screenwriter Valeran Lothaniel (THE MANDALORIAN)

She’s a journalist, a future politician and a full fledged nerd of the Star Wars universe. Valeran Lotaniel is also the FAN FICTION Screenplay winner for her Season 3 Episode 1 version of THE MANDALORIAN. Great interview on the process writing this film.

Listen to the audio version best scene reading of her Mandalorian script.

WATCH NOW the video best scene reading.

Four years after returning the child Grogu to the Jedi, the lone Mandalorian warrior Din Djarin faces his greatest challenge yet: protecting four foundlings from conflicting Galactic forces, and raising them in the way of the Mand’alor.


Narrator: Kyana Teresa
Cobb Vanth: Allan Michael Brunet
Mandalorian: Allison Kampf
Voice on the Comlink: Andy Camp

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April 13, 2021 - Screenwriter Valeran Lothaniel (THE MANDALORIAN)
Matthew Toffolo
March 15, 2021 - Screenwriter Sierra Hall (Sweet Valley Spy)

The art of writing a screenplay: Hunker down and get the words on the page. Go back and edit.

Great chat with winning screenwriter Sierra Hall on the process of writing her TV PILOT script SWEET VALLEY SPY, loosely based on the “Sweet Valley High” novel series. Now the characters have grown up!

Watch the Best Scene Reading HERE

Liza has a budding career at a pharmaceutical company. Her twin sister, Jess, talks to a bottle of tequila and dates a guy who tells dead-baby jokes. When Liza mysteriously disappears, Jess gets a crash course in the family business – espionage.

Narrator: Allison
The Narrator: Geoff Mays –
The Spy: Andy Kamp
Rick Astley: Rick Astley
Jess: Hannah Ehman
Liza: Julie Sheppard

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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March 15, 2021 - Screenwriter Sierra Hall (Sweet Valley Spy)
Matthew Toffolo
March 7, 2021 - Screenwriter Alberto “Mojo” Peña (Peaky Blinders: “Good Friday”)

The art of writing a spec screenplay from an existing television show. Great chat with screenplay writer Alberto “Mojo” Pena on the process writing an episode for the TV show Peaky Blinders.

Alberto talks about the process of writing a spec script. The greatness of Peaky Blinders. And how he got the nickname “Mojo”.

Watch the best scene screenplay reading of Peaky Blinders HERE

Tommy Shelby is missing, Shelby Limited is financially broke and Michael has teamed with the Billy Boys to take over and absorb the Peaky Blinders gang.

Narrator: Steve Rizzo
Jimmy: Geoff Mays
Michael: Sean Ballantyne

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March 7, 2021 - Screenwriter Alberto “Mojo” Peña (Peaky Blinders: “Good Friday”)
Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 19, 2021 - Screenwriter Jay Servedio (Letterkenny: “Dary’s Super-soft Poem”)

The art of writing a spec screenplay. Jay Servedio is just starting out in his career and he just won our TV SPEC Screenplay contest for his script based on the LETTERKENNY television show.

WATCH the winning 1st scene reading.

The hicks help Dary write a poem to woo a “cultured lass”; The hockey players run a bake sale for new jerseys.

Narrator: Julie Sheppard
Wayne: Allan Michael Brunet
Daryl: Steve Rizzo
Squirrley: Bill Poulin
Katy: Kyana Teresa

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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Feb. 19, 2021 - Screenwriter Jay Servedio (Letterkenny: “Dary’s Super-soft Poem”)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 11th 2020 - Screenwriter Lance Barnett (CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM)

Larry gets a phone call from his old friend, NFL Network legend, Rich Eisen. He is asked to attend Colin Kaepernick’s press conference revealing his new Athletic Shoe; by Colin’s request. Larry causes an uproar when he inadvertently takes a knee at the event. Anchovies and Humble pie save the day.

That is the summary of this amazing TV SPEC script on the CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM HBO show. Great chat with the writer Lance Barnett.

Watch the Best Scene Script Reading:

Narrator: Hannah Ehman
Richard Lewis: Shawn Devlin
Larry: Steve Rizzo
Mail Courier: Kyana Teresa

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Dec. 11th 2020 - Screenwriter Lance Barnett (CURB YOUR ENTHUSIASM)
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 7th 2020 - Screenwriter Barry J. Smith (IMAGINATION PARK)

IMAGINATION PARK is a winning TV PILOT sitcom screenplay loosely based on the writer’s time as a performer for the Disney theme parks, and the friendships he made that became like family over 25 years later.

Great chat with writer Barry J. Smith. Audio version best scene reading after the interview.

Watch the Screenplay Reading:


Narration: Allison Kampf

Aiden/Young Aiden: Bill Poulin

Girl #1/Gloria: Kyana Teresa

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Dec. 7th 2020 - Screenwriter Barry J. Smith (IMAGINATION PARK)
Matthew Toffolo

Great chat with the writer who is becoming the master of writing a TV SPEC screenplay from an existing show. Already in 2020 Shane Walsh-Smith has won awards for writing three SPECS: “Farscape”. “Black Mirror”. “Bojack Horseman”.

We tackle the art of writing a great TV spec and what the purpose of writing them.

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Matthew Toffolo
Nov. 26th 2020- Interview with Screenwriter Paul Hewitt (DRUNKEN NOODLES)

DRUNKEN NOODLES is a TV PILOT about a personal chef who keeps running into trouble with her clients. Great chatting with the screenwriter Paul Hewitt about his process and how he came up with the idea for this winning teleplay. With audio version reading of the script after the interview.

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Watch the Screenplay Reading:

Nov. 26th 2020- Interview with Screenwriter Paul Hewitt (DRUNKEN NOODLES)
Matthew Toffolo
November 20th 2020 - Interview with Screenwriter Jay Strong (GREEN ACRES "Hooters to Hooterville")

Interview with all around creator Jay Strong who wrote a terrific TV SPEC screenplay on the classic show GREEN ACRES. It’s a new take on the show - the moments that took place when the cameras weren’t on. Listen to best scene “audio version” reading after the interview.

Watch GREEN ACRES "Hooters to Hooterville" best scene reading:

Oliver and Lisa deal with the Ziffels shooting a porno in their barn.

CAST LIST: Narrator: Allison Kampf

Oliver: Bill Poulin

Eb: Scott Beaudin

Lisa: Alicia Payne

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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GREEN ACRES "Hooters to Hooterville"
Matthew Toffolo