Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged storytelling
August 17, 2021 - Animator/Director Luke Angus (ALIENATED)

ALIENATED was the winner of BEST SHORT FILM at the August 2021 SCI-FI/FANTASY Film Festival. You can watch the film and festival this upcoming Thursday all day for FREE HERE. “A lonely alien goes to extreme lengths to find company.”

Educational and honest conversation with Luke Angus on the process making an independent animation film. You can watch Luke’s past shorts on his website or his YouTube channel

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About the Guest: Luke Angus is a 3D animator and independent filmmaker born and raised on the west coast of Scotland. He moved to New York where he worked for a variety of animation houses such as Nickelodeon and Framestore, before moving to Connecticut to take on the role as Creative Director and Lead Animator on a feature film coming later in 2021.

August 17, 2021 - Animator/Director Luke Angus (ALIENATED)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 23, 2021 - Filmmakers Alejandro Fanzago & Anne Valmont (THE GRIN OF EVIL)

THE GRIN OF EVIL is one of the best Fan Fiction film you’ll ever see. It’s also a teaser to a much bigger story. Interview with the director/star Alejandro Fanzgo and the producer Anne Valmont in Argentina.

Summary of Film: The Grin of Evil aims to explore the Joker's philosophy from his peculiar point of view and away from his faithful adversary. It's a journey of what lies behind the jokes and laughs: each chapter offers a different approach of the character, who will be portrayed in various styles. As fans, our main interest is to pay tribute to the characters that made a difference in our childhood and teenage years. The idea of bringing these characters and their universe to life from the vignettes is exhilarating. We feel committed to develop a creative challenge that would bring out the best of each artist, making it personal to us and to the viewers as well.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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Jan. 23, 2021 - Filmmakers Alejandro Fanzago & Anne Valmont
Matthew Toffolo

Great chat with the writer who is becoming the master of writing a TV SPEC screenplay from an existing show. Already in 2020 Shane Walsh-Smith has won awards for writing three SPECS: “Farscape”. “Black Mirror”. “Bojack Horseman”.

We tackle the art of writing a great TV spec and what the purpose of writing them.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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Matthew Toffolo
October 24th 2020 - All-Time Favorite TV Episode by Marco Amato

Matthew Toffolo chats with winning screenwriter Marko Amato about his all-time favorite television episode of all-time. The first in our series of interviewing people in the industry about their “Top TV Episode”.

Marco picks: MR. MONK TAKES HIS MEDICINE. Season 3 Episode 9.

August 20th 2004. First premiered on the USA Network.

IMDB Synopsis: A woman commits suicide and minutes later Captain Stottlemeyer is shot nearby. Monk needs to determine if the two events are related, but his new medication has turned him into an obnoxious jerk who can't concentrate on the case.

October 24th 2020 this day in history:

1962 "The Manchurian Candidate", directed by John Frankenheimer, starring Frank Sinatra and Laurence Harvey, is released.

1973 John Lennon sues US government to admit FBI is tapping his phone.

1992 World Series Baseball: Toronto Blue Jays beat Atlanta Braves, 4-3 in Game 6 at Atlanta–Fulton County Stadium to win their first-ever title.

2018 Pipe bombs sent to prominent US Democrats including the Obamas, Clintons, John Brennan and CNN, but safely defused.

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October 24th 2020 - Favorite TV Episode of All-Time (MONK Season 3 EP 9) by Marko Amato
Matthew Toffolo
October 13th 2020 - Interview with screenwriter Joel McElvaney ( Dragons Of The Gloaming)

October 13, 2020 - This day in history

1951- The best picture winner for 1951 “All About Eve” premieres

1962 - Edward Albee’s play "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?" opens on Broadway featuring actress Uta Hagen

2020 - Matthew Toffolo interviews Joel McElvaney about his Dungeons & Dragons inspired screenplay “Dragons of the Gloam”, with a best scene recording of his script after the interview..

A group of teenage Dungeons & Dragons players get zapped into their game—and into the bodies of their characters. Still scared teens on the inside, the game characters must work together to find a hidden castle and defeat a poison-breathing dragon in order to return to their normal lives—and selves.


Narrator: Allison Kampf

Lumbu: Bill Poulin

Gruber: Sean Ballantyne

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Watch more festival videos on our YouTube channel:

October 13th 2020 - Interview with screenwriter Joel McElvaney ( Dragons Of The Gloaming)
Matthew Toffolo
#51 - Neal Doran - WILDsound Feature Screenplay Winner (CHANGES)

Matthew Toffolo chats with UK writer Neal Doran about his winning feature screenplay CHANGES.

Watch the full reading performed by professional actors at the festival:

Submit your Screenplay (any) or short film to the festival via FilmFreeway:

Toby is a typical gamer kid approaching the woes of puberty. The after school routine with his bookish friend Nic is spent navigating the London tube line trying to figure the most efficient route to make the infamous 1609 train. However, when one of the popular kids start riding the tube with them they become increasingly involved with a group of girls from another school travelling the same way.


Various: Sean Ballantyne
Clare: Leanne Hoffman
Nik: Caleb Jaques
Chris: Ross Cummings
Narration: Carina Cojeen
Toby: Aaron Williams
Jen: Victoria Murdoch
Mandy/Smiley: Natalie Morgan

Neal Doran - WILDsound Feature Screenplay Winner (CHANGES)
Matthew Toffolo, Neal Doran
Bonnie Brookby - LGBT Festival Winning Screenplay Writer. (THE THINGS WE MISS)

Matthew Toffolo chats with the Winning LGBTQ Feature Screenplay writer Bonnie Brookby (02:13). They chat about the feature script writing process, adding character depth to your story, her roots in Texas, and the importance of LGBTQ themed screenplays.

You can watch the full reading performed by professional actors here:

Then Matthew says good-bye to longtime WILDsound employee Kierston Drier, who set up this very podcast (33:15). Using his high school football career as an analogy to her career at WILDsound.

PODCAST will upload 2-3 times a week from here on out, mainly interviewing the winning filmmakers and screenplay writers from the various WILDsound festivals in Los Angeles & Toronto.

Submit your LGBT Short Film & Screenplay via FilmFreeway to the LGBT Toronto Film Festival:

Submit any screenplay or short film to the WILDsound Film Festival:

Bonnie Brookby - LGBTQ Screenplay Festival Winner (THINGS WE MISS)
Matthew Toffolo