Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged Fan Fiction
Jan. 23, 2021 - Filmmakers Alejandro Fanzago & Anne Valmont (THE GRIN OF EVIL)

THE GRIN OF EVIL is one of the best Fan Fiction film you’ll ever see. It’s also a teaser to a much bigger story. Interview with the director/star Alejandro Fanzgo and the producer Anne Valmont in Argentina.

Summary of Film: The Grin of Evil aims to explore the Joker's philosophy from his peculiar point of view and away from his faithful adversary. It's a journey of what lies behind the jokes and laughs: each chapter offers a different approach of the character, who will be portrayed in various styles. As fans, our main interest is to pay tribute to the characters that made a difference in our childhood and teenage years. The idea of bringing these characters and their universe to life from the vignettes is exhilarating. We feel committed to develop a creative challenge that would bring out the best of each artist, making it personal to us and to the viewers as well.

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Jan. 23, 2021 - Filmmakers Alejandro Fanzago & Anne Valmont
Matthew Toffolo
Dec. 16, 2020 - Screenwriter Brent Peterson (Star Wars: Rendezvous)

The first ever podcast done in a Hobbit Hole. Writer Brent Peterson made his “Own Private Hobbit Hole”. See it here:

Star Wars: Rendezvous is a fan-fiction film set in the Star Wars universe with a cast of new characters as well as some more established ones. Matthew chats with the winner Fan Fiction writer Brent Peterson on the process of writing in the context of this legendary franchise.

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

A pair of do-gooders attempt to save a young girl wanted by the Empire.


Hologram Voice/Darth Maul: Sean Ballantyne

Mandalorian/Ashoka/Voice: Steve Rizzo

Rahn: Allan Michael Brunet

Qu’ra/R’iila/Zandara: Julie Sheppard

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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Dec. 16, 2020 - Screenwriter Brent Peterson (Star Wars: Rendezvous)
#64 - Interview with Screenwriter Brooke Elowe (BLACK WIDOW: FUGITIVE)

If there is a theme to this episode, it would be - “Stay excited. Stay optimistic!”

Brooke Elowe was the Fan Fiction Feature Screenwriter winner for BLACK WIDOW: FUGITIVE.

Watch the winning screenplay reading HERE

We also did a Screenplay Movie as well. You can WATCH IT NOW

A contrast from this podcast to our last podcast, episode #63 with Thomas Clary. Thomas is a seasoned veteran in the industry with 20 years experience. As Brooke is just starting out and in University. Both winners. Both from different perspectives in the world today.

This episode was sponsored by the 1 page short story contest.

#64 - Interview with Screenwriter Brooke Elowe (BLACK WIDOW: FUGITIVE)
WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo
#56 - Interview with screenwriter Mark Renshaw (DOCTOR WHO: My Doctor)

If there is a theme to this episode it would be “Oh Doctor, My Doctor”

Great chatting with the very talented writer Mark Renshaw about his Doctor Who spec screenplay.

You can also watch the Winning Screenplay Reading performed by professional actors at the Fan Fiction Screenplay Festival.

This episode was sponsored by the 1 page short story contest.

#56 - Interview with screenwriter Mark Renshaw (DOCTOR WHO: My Doctor)
by Matthew Toffolo, WILDsound Podcast
#55 - Interview with Screenwriter Katie Grotzinger (SCOOBY-DOO: AGE OF AQUARIUS)

If there is a theme to this episode it would be “Modern Nostalgia”

Great chatting with the very talented writer Katie Grotzinger. You can see for yourself at her website filled with all of her writings:

Matthew chats with Katie (2:03) about her winning Scooby-Doo TV spec screenplay, plus her other spec scripts and original works.

You can also watch the Winning Screenplay Reading performed by professional actors at the Fan Fiction Screenplay Festival.

This episode was sponsored by the 1 page short story contest.

#55 - Interview with Screenwriter Katie Grotzinger (SCOOBY-DOO: AGE OF AQUARIUS)
by Matthew Toffolo. WILDsound Podcast