Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged feature fiilm
October 24, 2021 - Filmmaker Andrew Malcolm (DISCOVERY MODE)
October 24, 2021 - Filmmaker Andrew Malcolm (DISCOVERY MODE)
Matthew Toffolo

DISCOVERY MODE is an award winning feature film that played at the August 2021 DOCUMENTARY Film Festival. "Discovery Mode” follows two travelers for five months throughout South East Asia as they interview 150 millennial tourists from around the world, to learn about the values of the world’s most misunderstood generation.

WATCH NOW the audience feedback video of the film from the festival.

Conversation with filmmaker Andrew Malcolm on the making of the film.

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June 16, 2021 - Brothers Tom Schellenberg, Kyle & Seton Roberts (ONE STEP AT A TIME)

“One Step At A Time captures the story of brothers Kyle and Tom as they portaged canoes, over 200km and 20 days, in the Himalayan Mountains to raise money for KOSHISH Nepal. 100% of the money raised has gone directly to support KOSHISH Nepal in building a Women’s mental health Transit Centre in Kathmandu, Nepal.”

Learn all about this film and cause at and/or go to their Facebook page at

Directed by younger brother, Seton Roberts, who also joins in the podcast conversation with Kyle Roberts & Tom Schellenberg to chat about their journey making this film.

Playing at the SPORTS DOCUMENTARY Festival this upcoming Thursday all day for FREE. Go to the exclusive link HERE.

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June 16, 2021 - Brothers Tom Schellenberg, Kyle & Seton Roberts (ONE STEP AT A TIME)
Matthew Toffolo
June 7, 2021 - Filmmaker Benedict Kasulis (TOUCH THE BOULDER)

“Touch the Boulder” is a feature documentary that follows a satirical sports blogger’s longshot campaign against a corrupt political machine for a State House seat in rural Ohio.

Playing at the POLITICAL Film Festival this Friday. Get your FREE tickets HERE.

Conversation with filmmaker Benedict Kasulis on the process making the documentary and finding the story in editing.

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June 7, 2021 - Filmmaker Benedict Kasulis (TOUCH THE BOULDER)
Matthew Toffolo
May 23, 2021 - Filmmaker Anthony "Ash" Brennan (WE ARE CONJOLA – OUR FIRE OUR STORY)

WE ARE CONJOLA – OUR FIRE OUR STORY is a feature film from Australia playing at the May 2021 ENVIRONMENTAL Film Festival.

After almost being wiped off the map, a traumatized community waited for help. But it never came. Conjola was abandoned and left for dead. Local artists then started creating. They needed to heal. It gave the community hope and solidified their journey to recovery, together. Ash hopes that this film will be part of that recovery.

Watch the festival HERE until the end of the weekend. Must watch documentary.

Conversation from Canada to Australia with filmmaker Anthony “Ash” Brennan about how this film NEEDED to be made and how he had to balance his emotions telling such a personal story.

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May 23, 2021 - Filmmaker Anthony "Ash" Brennan (WE ARE CONJOLA – OUR FIRE OUR STORY)
Matthew Toffolo
May 11, 2021 - Filmmaker Kevin McVey (NOWHERESVILLE)

The art of making an Indy feature film with a very small budget, but with dozens of locations and speaking parts. NOWWHERESVILLE is playing at the THRILLER/SUSPENSE Festival this upcoming Thursday. You can WATCH the festival HERE.

Great conversation with Producer/Director/Writer Kevin McVey on making this terrific thriller feature film. He also shares a great story about with with Tom Sizemore, who has a supporting role in this film.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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May 11, 2021 - Filmmaker Kevin McVey (NOWHERESVILLE)
Matthew David Toffolo
April 30, 2021 - Filmmaker Julie Rowan (THE AIR OF THE TIME)

‘The Air Of The Time’ focuses on the impact of the most influential women fashion designers over the past 100 years. Through interviews and archival footage, the designers of today talk about the past, the present and the future of design.

This is a MUST WATCH film that’s playing at our festival for FREE all day this Saturday. RSVP to WATCH the festival and see full details.

Conversation with filmmaker Julie Rowan on the process making the feature documentary and all of the wonderful interviews she was fortunate to do with all of the famous designers (Coco Chanel, Diane von Furstenberg, Carolina Herrera, Vivienne Westwood, Donna Karan, Gabriela Hearst and Hanako Maeda).

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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April 30, 2021 - Filmmaker Julie Rowan (THE AIR OF THE TIME)
Matthew Toffolo

The entire filmmaking team of “RESCUE STORY”, winner of BEST FEATURE FILM at the March 2021 Festival. Watch FOR FREE the film at the Environmental Film Festival this Sunday. Get your tickets HERE and see the full lineup of films.

RESCUE STORY dramatically presents the challenges facing traditional shelters and societal causes for animal overpopulation.

Interview with Executive Producers Brian Ross & Kimberly Resch. Director Daniel Gartzke. Cinematographer Max Hauser. Cinematographer/Producer Joshua Murphy.

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Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 16, 2021 - Filmmaker David Fugett (THE HIKE)

“A couple goes for a walk on their favorite trail. They are taken hostage by a killer on the run. Cat & Mouse games begin.”

That is the summary of the multiple award winning feature film THE HIKE. Playing at the HORRROR Film Festival this upcoming Friday. RSVP your FREE TICKETS to watch all day Friday.

Conversation with the director David Fugett. The process of making this low budget, and highly successful film. The team of cast/crew that was formed, and being determined to keep the 120 minute running time.

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Feb. 16, 2021 - Filmmaker David Fugett (THE HIKE)
Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 7, 2021 - Filmmakers Ash & Phil Kreis (THE FANDOM)

THE FANDOM dives headfirst in the imaginative world of “furries,” the often-misunderstood internet subculture of fans of the anthropomorphic arts.

Watch this feature film HERE for FREE:

Stop by THE FANDOM store:

Amazing chat with the filmmakers of the film about the world of THE FURRIES. How they made the film and how there might be more films in the future.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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Feb. 7, 2021 - Filmmakers Ash & Phil Kreis (THE FANDOM)
Matthew Toffolo
Feb. 3, 2021 - Producer Hayes Steinberg (HOCKEY 24)

HOCKEY 24 is a feature documentary about a day in the life of community hockey in Canada. Multiple filmmakers from coast to coast film a day in hockey in a 24 hour span.

Playing at our special SPORTS Film Festival this upcoming Friday. Get YOUR FREE TICKETS now and sign up to watch the festival all day February 5th.

Conversation with co-producer Hayes Steinberg talking about making this film from concept to distribution. Multiple moving parts. Multiple film shoots occurring in Canada at the same time. Also dive into the why this film was made and the future of hockey. Go to his website:

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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Feb. 3, 2021 - Producer Hayes Steinberg (HOCKEY 24)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 27, 2021 - Science Journalist/Writer/Producer Paola Catapano (NANUQ – AN ARCTIC JOURNEY)

NANUQ – AN ARCTIC JOURNEY FROM PAST TO FUTURE is a story of Paola Catapano’s journey to seek the relic of the lost Italia airship from 1928 at the North Pole. She puts together an international team of scientists, explorers and science communicators to pay homage to a lost past and give hope to a future which is in serious danger because of humanity’s irresponsible behaviour.

RSVP HERE to watch this film and the Environmental Film Festival virtually this upcoming Friday.

This is truly a spectacular film. Make sure you get your free tickets to watch at home on Friday Jan. 29th. You will receive a link and be able to watch the 2 hour festival for 24 hours.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

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Jan. 27, 2021 - Science Journalist/Writer/Producer Paola Catapano (NANUQ – AN ARCTIC JOURNEY)
Matthew Toffolo