Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts in Documentary Film
EP. 1454: Filmmakers Ben Berry & Brooke Bechtold (BEEHOLD)

Beehold, 18min., USA
Directed by Ben Berry
From his work with local nuns looking for answers about their barren apple trees to his consulting with golf courses in natural habitat management to classrooms, and his own design workshop – he is a true beeliever in the good story – the gospel of abundance as taught by bees and he’s helping protect Wisconsin’s beloved pollinators. It’s called Behold and our story starts here. Humm Productions, in collaboration with Mtn Craft Productions, has pioneered a new media format called DocuPod™. It combines the power of short, immersive documentaries with engaging podcast audio to create a captivating 360-degree experience for audiences.

Get to know Director Ben Berry & Producer Brooke Bechtold:

What motivated you to make this film?

Brooke: Our team wanted our proof-of-concept DocuPodTM to be of a very special person serving his community at large with dignity and focus. We had just finished our Beehold podcast, and we knew that if listeners had the opportunity to see Charlie and feel connected to him that a short video documentary would be the perfect complement. We hoped audiences would adore and respect Charlie’s work protecting pollinators as much as we do. 

Ben: As Brooke mentioned, we wanted to shoot a proof of concept for our DocuPodTM. Once Brooke found Charlie, it was off to the races. Our goal is to approach every DocuPodTM we do thoughtfully—with a certain slowness. We want to allow the audience to be with the character and walk a mile in their shoes. Once Charlie agreed, our motivation became about showing Charlie’s passion and how that passion is lived out day to day. 

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EP. 1454: Filmmakers Ben Berry & Brooke Bechtold (BEEHOLD)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1409: Filmmaker Charlie Spickler (RISING TIDES)

Directed by Charlie Spickler
Rising Tides is the story of how climate change is affecting the fishing communities on the East Coast, the Coral in the Keys and the domino effect it has on the various regions. We are looking at the Science of Climate change and the politics of what is and what is not being done in Congress.

Get to know the filmmaker:

What motivated you to make this film?

I read an article in the New York Times about the Peconic Bay Scallops dying before they could be harvested. I grew up out on Long Island, so this became personal for me. That led me to looking at the Blue Crabs down in Maryland and the bleaching coral down in Miami and the Keys and next thing you know, – Climate Change doc.

What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video?

I was overwhelmed. Especially some of the comments that were made that literally mimicked my reasons for making the film, I wanted this film to be accessible and understandable for people with no experience with climate change and or the science of global warming. I wanted to present this information in a way that was understandable, Based on the comments I think I succeeded in doing that.

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EP. 1409: Filmmaker Charlie Spickler (RISING TIDES)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1397 - Filmmaker Harry Roseman (GROCERY SHOPPING)

Directed by Harry Roseman
I am at the grocery store three to five times a week. It has become a ritual, picking out the items, going over the shopping list, interacting with the same people year after year. It seems to me, an important aspect of my and many other people’s lives. Something utterly familiar. Though filmed it becomes somewhat mysterious, seen anew, to be rethought about.

Harry Roseman is a sculptor, photographer, draftsman, practitioner of web based works, and professor of art at Vassar College where he currently chairs the Department of Art. In addition to having had many solo exhibitions, Roseman has produced a number of major commissioned public sculptures.

For more info, go to his Wikipedia page:

Get to know the filmmaker:

What motivated you to make this film?

My work takes many forms. An aspect of some of my work in photography, installation, and film centers on my interactions with people in my community as I go about doing errands. I had done some shorter film focused on checking out at the register with my purchases. These interactions are important to me because of the frequent interactions I have with the same people over months and years. They are specific kinds of relationships, These exchanges have an aspect of friendship, though bracketed by the relatively brief interchanges but enlarged by time and repetition. This film stems from those interactions, but also a way of showing a frequent and mundane activity as being worthy and possibly interesting as art. Possibly giving the viewer a new take on their own regular day to day activities, In addition I found aspects of the visual possibilities rather beautiful, as still lives, such as piles of fruits and vegetables. The added addition of bits of conversation that either I had with people or overheard was also interesting to me.

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EP. 1397 - Filmmaker Harry Roseman (GROCERY SHOPPING)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1383 - Filmmaker Jonathan Derksen (VOICES FOR MADIDI)

VOICES FOR MADIDI, 24min., Canada
Directed by Jonathan Derksen
Bolivia’s Madidi National Park is considered to be the most biodiverse place on planet earth. The Uchupiamonas people, who call the park home, are in a constant battle against forces eager to exploit the protected area for its hydroelectric potential, hardwoods and gold. In this documentary, we hear from of the eco-warriors at the front lines.

Get to know the filmmaker:

The Madidi area of the Bolivian Amazon is perhaps the most biodiverse place on earth. I first visited the area in 1982 as a teenager, when a group of friends and I ventured down the Beni River in a motorized dugout canoe during the rainy season, only to almost meet our fate in deadly rapids, whirl pools and a maze of giant tree snags. Fortunately, we were taken in by some Moseten hunters, who fed us and gave us shelter until the rains abated and we could carry on.

I returned to the area in the nineties as a photojournalist on a national parks beat, then, in 2007 as an expedition leader. In 2008, I filmed with National Geographic on Bolivia’s infamous “Death Road” traversing the Andes to the Amazon. In 2016 and 2017, I worked on a coffee table book “Madidi: an uncertain future” with photographer Sergio Ballivian.

On each expedition, I interacted with the extraordinary Uchupiamonas people, who taught me the ways of the jungle and the profound importance of protecting such unparalleled biodiversity. They also educated me about the various existential threats to the region and its indigenous people. This lit a fire under me.

In 2023, I returned with a film crew in hopes of bringing their story to the rest of the world, culminating in “Voices for Madidi”, a bilingual expression of the eco-warriors serving the front lives of a little-publicized battle.

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EP. 1383 - Filmmaker Jonathan Derksen (VOICES FOR MADIDI)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1367 - Filmmakers Marta Renzi, Daniel Wolff (CATHY & HARRY)

CATHY & HARRY, 40min., USA
Directed by Marta Renzi, Daniel Wolff
A revealing and humorous double-portrait of Catherine Murphy and Harry Roseman whose work is in collections from the Metropolitan Museum of Art to the Metropolitan Transit Authority. “Cathy & Harry” documents how their lives revolve in joyous, dizzying intensity around work, food, friends, and each other.

Get to know the filmmakers:

What motivated you to make this film?
We thought these two were special people, whose work and relationship should be documented.

What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video?
We were pleased that the message came across – and a little surprised that the message seemed to be so much about their relationship.

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EP. 1367 - Filmmakers Marta Renzi, Daniel Wolff (CATHY & HARRY)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1345 - Filmmaker David Kreech & Featured Cast Michael Klubock (KIDS OCEAN DAY / A LOVE PROJECT)

Directed by David Creech
A behind the scenes look at the the educational philosophy of Kids Ocean Day founder, Michael Klubock.

Get to know filmmaker David Kreech & Featured Cast Michael Klubock

What motivated you to make this film?

David: I participated in several KOD events and I felt compelled to tell the story of Michael and the volunteers and kids

What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video?

David: I felt the comments were accurate
Michael: I appreciated the time and effort to review the film and the kind words of support,

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EP. 1345 - Filmmaker David Kreech & Featured Cast Michael Klubock (KIDS OCEAN DAY / A LOVE PROJECT)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1310 - Director Evan Jackson Leong (THE BRIDGE)


Directed by Evan Jackson Leong

Fifty years ago, our country grappled with widespread discrimination. In Los Angeles, neighborhood leaders challenged these barriers by establishing a community-focused bank, aiming to deliver the American dream to all. The East West Bank Foundation commissioned director Evan Leong to create The Bridge, which explores the struggles, perseverance, and successes of this remarkable journey.

Get to know the filmmaker:

As a 6th generation Chinese American I've been fortunate to tell the stories of my community. The Bridge is a story about a humble Chinatown bank that not only grew the community but became a global influence furthering our place in society. For me, I'd be happy to tell these stories for the rest of my career. I was not only inspired but blessed to collaborate with the East West Foundation and Dominic Ng.

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EP. 1310 - Director Evan Jackson Leong (THE BRIDGE)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1309 - Director Dan Herz & Star Elizabeth Dunne (SAVING THE ELWHA RIVER’S LEGACY FORESTS)

Directed by Dan Herz
When a large, ecologically sensitive legacy forest in the heart of the Elwha River Watershed was identified for harvest, the Earth Law Center, Keystone Species Alliance, and Center for Whale Research began using all legal means possible against the Washington State Department of Natural Resources in an attempt to halt the impending clear-cut. Through breathtaking cinematography and intimate interviews, witness the profound beauty and ecological significance of the watershed, as well as the dire consequences of unchecked deforestation.

Get to know director Dan Herz & Star Elizabeth Dunne

Dan: I met a woman named, Missy Lahren, at an event in San Francisco and she told me about the legacy forests up in Washington state and how she and the law firm where she worked – Earth Law Center, were trying to prevent the state from auctioning off legacy forests for timber harvest. After she explained about the Elwha River, the undamming, the healing of the watershed, the salmon coming back, etc., and how logging could damage the watershed, after spending hundreds of millions of dollars to remove the dams, I felt that it was a story that needed to be told.

Elizabeth: I want people to understand the imminent risk to our last remaining older legacy forests in the Elwha Watershed and Washington state, and really throughout the Cascadia Bioregion. My hope is that through watching the film people will understand what is happening to our forests and why it is important; that they will take action – including by voting for Dave Upthegrove, who was featured in the film, to be the next WA Public Lands Commissioner; and will feel empowered to bring people together in their own communities to protect the places they love.

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EP. 1309 - Director Dan Herz & Star Elizabeth Dunne (SAVING THE ELWHA RIVER’S LEGACY FORESTS)
EP. 1305 - Filmmaker Jana Sturmheit (MITOTE – SMOKEY MIRROR)

MITOTE – SMOKEY MIRROR, 9min,. South Korea
Directed by Jana Sturmheit
In today’s world us humans have developed a complex social system of rules and expectations. Children are taught from the day they are born on how they are expected to behave. They are told what is right and wrong, what is possible and what not. That is, by the standards of the children’s parents and other people in their surroundings, in other words the society they grow up in.

Get to know the filmmaker:
It was not a graduate requirement to make a film in my department of video content design, but I felt like it would be the perfect opportunity to create my first work as director and choreographer. I have choreographed stage performances before but never a video and I wanted to portray the vision that I had inspired by the opening excerpt from the book “The Four Agreements” by Miguel Ruiz talking about Mitote – the smokey mirror.
When I have a dance vision, it plays like a movie in my head, rather than a stage performance. Often I find dance visuals intensely focused on the movement rather than the cinematic aesthetics and depth that different camera angles, movement and shot size and cuts add on the final film. I find one of the decisive factors are the intimate closeness that you can create through a camera that is impossible in a stage performance. A second factor is that the camera can move in between the dancers, which a spectator of a stage performance can’t either in most cases.

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EP. 1305 - Filmmaker Jana Sturmheit (MITOTE – SMOKEY MIRROR)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1304 - Filmmaker Rita Hencke (SALT IN THEIR VEINS)

SALT IN THEIR VEINS, 16min,. Australia
Directed by Rita Hencke
East Indonesia. Communities of sea people live a life that ties them closely to the marine environment. They are known as Bajo, descendants of former sea nomads who were once roaming the ocean to fish and trade.

Get to know the filmmaker:

The inspiration for “Salt in their Veins” came from my passion for freediving. I was captivated by the extraordinary diving and spearfishing skills of the Bajo sea people. During my visit to one of their remote communities in Indonesia a few years ago, I saw how their lives are being transformed by modern influences. This experience motivated me to capture the contrast between their traditional and modern fishing practices.

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EP. 1304 - Filmmaker Rita Hencke (SALT IN THEIR VEINS)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1300 - Filmmaker Karin Isabelle Ochsner (SURVIVING TO THRIVING)

SURVIVING TO THRIVING, 106min., Australia
Directed by Karin Isabelle Ochsner
As a fearless explorer with a disability, surfer and surf coach Karin Ochsner immerses herself in the raw beauty of nature. Her remarkable healing journey unfolds in the face of adversity.

Get to know the filmmaker:

This film is the sequel to a documentary about my health challenge, which has been organised by my friends. The purpose was to help me in my incredibly difficult struggles to survive with my countless severe allergies. During the filming, I was very sick and wasn’t able to put the messages in the documentary which I really wanted to pass on, hence I decided to do a second one to do so. The first documentary gave me so much support from my community and clarity in how to manage my disability, it improved my situation so much that I then could focus on filming my own story.

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EP. 1300 - Filmmaker Karin Isabelle Ochsner (SURVIVING TO THRIVING)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1273 - Producer Gabi Lowe (GET ME TO 21 – THE JENNA LOWE STORY)

GET ME TO 21 – THE JENNA LOWE STORY, 88min., South Africa
Directed by Diana Joy Lucas

The extraordinary story of a young South African girl, her battle to get to 21 and the lasting impact she has had on the world around her. A riveting and inspiring story of advocacy, rare disease, organ donation, courage and hope.

Get to know Executive Producer Gabi Lowe:

PH is a rare, cruel and silent disease and way too many people die from it before even being diagnosed. I know that if I can get Jenna’s compelling story out as far and wide a possible, it will impact thousands of people through earlier diagnosis which equals HOPE for a longer life and better quality of life. But that is not all that this Doccie s about … …illness and suffering aside, there are so many inspirational learnings to be found in this story such as the extreme grace, courage and a fighting yet gentle spirit that Jenna demonstrated that I feel the world can benefit from right now. Finding ways to truly live, make a difference, give back and find meaning even in the face of extreme suffering… now THAT is something we all need to learn and aim for.

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EP. 1273 - Producer Gabi Lowe (GET ME TO 21 – THE JENNA LOWE STORY)
Matthew Toffolo

Directed by Andrew Laurie
In the course of his work as a wildlife conservation advisor to the Mongolian government, Andrew Laurie followed up on a childhood fascination with White-throated Dippers on the Teme near Ludlow, by finding out more about their lives in the Altai Mountains. Now resident in Cambridge, Andrew has made four films on Dippers in Mongolia – covering nest-building, incubation, feeding of the chicks in the nest, and this, the most recent one (2023) on the emergence of the chicks and their early lives on the river.

Get to know the filmmaker:

Early experience and fascination with the White-throated Dipper in UK as a schoolboy led me to search for its breeding sites in the Mongolian Altai when there on an assignment much later in life – because although sigthings were common, particularly in winter on unfrozen streams, the local ornithologists did not know where it bred.

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Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1256 - Filmmaker Mike McKay (JAYA)

JAYA, 50min., USA
Directed by Mike McKay
It is a rare blessing to meet someone filled with such joy, kindness and inspiration that they leave such a mark on you and your life is changed forever.

Get to know the filmmaker:

The story of evolved over a number of years, but really what began the inspiration was Jaya’s spirit and energy. I always found him to be a great personality in the community and one of the opportunity to get to know him and his life better.

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EP. 1256 - Filmmaker Mike McKay (JAYA)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1254 - Filmmaker Olivia Andrus-Drennan (THE DOLPHIN DILEMMA)

Directed by Olivia Andrus-Drennan
Imagine, waking up being covered in third-degree burns, that’s what it’s like for the Burrunan dolphins in Australia. But why is this happening? That’s what Dr. Duignan, Director of Pathology at The Marine Mammal Center, Dr. Stephen’s from Murdoch University, and Dr. Robb from the Marine Mammal Foundation had to find out. This film explores this international collaboration that proves for the first time that these lesions being found on cetaceans around the world are only caused by climate change.

Get to know the filmmaker:

After reading the paper that The Marine Mammal Center released, I just had to make this into a film. It needed to be seen, dolphins and whales are loved by so many including myself and if I could bring light to such important work I had to try, so this film was born.

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EP. 1254 - Filmmaker Olivia Andrus-Drennan (THE DOLPHIN DILEMMA)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1249 - Filmmaker Mary Elle Alexander (COOKIES 4 JANE)

Directed by Mary Elle Alexander
Ten years in the making, “Cookies 4 Jane” recounts the final chapters of the life of a beloved matriarch, Jane, as she battles Alzheimer’s Disease. Filmed, edited, and directed by Jane’s granddaughter, Mary, this intimate documentary condenses four years of raw footage into an hour-long, heart-rending, inspirational, and delightfully educational piece.

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EP. 1249 - Filmmaker Mary Elle Alexander (COOKIES 4 JANE)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1239 - Filmmaker Simone Kisiel (CHANGE MAKERS: The Global Race to Save Our Seas)

CHANGE MAKERS: The Global Race to Save Our Seas, 14min., USA

Directed by Simone Kisiel

Advancements in the fishing industry have led to devastating consequences, not just for sea life being hunted to extinction, but for communities around the world who depend on the ocean’s bounty to survive.

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EP. 1239 - Filmmaker Simone Kisiel (CHANGE MAKERS: The Global Race to Save Our Seas)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1229 - Filmmaker Elisabetta Zavoli (THE FISHERMAN, THE ALIEN, THE SEA)

Directed by Elisabetta Zavoli
In June 2023, the population of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) boomed unexpectedly in the Goro lagoon, Delta of Po River, Italy. Here, amidst the alarmed but inactive shouting of the entire community, a young fourth-generation fisherman, Alessio Tagliati, leader of a small cooperative of clams farmers that has lost all their production to the blue crabs’ voracity, faces this new environmental challenge by reviving a traditional sustainable fishing technique his grandfather taught him and by following what the sea taught him: being ready to adapt to an environment that continuously change, thus showing a tremendous spirit of resilience in the face of the collapsing of his world.

Get to know the filmmaker:
I’m a freelance documentary photographer and filmmaker. In 2023, I investigated the invasion of alien species Atlantic blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the Mediterranean Sea thanks to the support of the National Geographic Society – Storytelling Grant. One of the outputs was a short film telling the impacts of the blue crabs invasion.

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EP. 1229 - Filmmaker Elisabetta Zavoli (THE FISHERMAN, THE ALIEN, THE SEA)
Matthew Toffolo

Directed by Karl Fallon
This Ghostcircle film by Director Karl Fallon, is a thought provoking documentary about Physical Phenomena never captured before on film. The documentary is captures moments in time about modern day Physical Mediumship with Physical medium Patrick McNamara in which he explains that by providing the necessary conditions with people in a “Psychic Circle”, it will allow spirit entities the opportunity to move flowers in people’s hands. These Psychic or Physical Circles were demonstrated repeatedly and held in independent and reputedly haunted locations around the UK and Ireland. The film explores and captures the phenomena as he discusses the process around the demonstrations. All attendees were unknown to the medium and his team before turning up to see what they would get. The individual independent Psychic Circle sitters actually see and feel amazing phenomenon, and then give witness statements about that they experienced. See the strange and flower moving by the spirit entities with the sitters.

Get to know the filmmaker:

I originally made a TV series called “Ghostcircle” 5 individual Series now, and I have been filming our group of psychic mediums doing some pretty unique and amazing things, so I wanted to showcase some of the best of it from many different episodes. I selected the clips I wanted and put a narrative around it which was done by Patrick McNamara. Patrick explains what is actually going on in the filming from a spiritual or psychic side. It’s quite a complicated, and difficult to process because we never know how it’s going to turn out when we roll the camera, so to speak. The phenomena that we get is related to the conditions that we film in, and it’s affect by such things as the environment and the peoples energy that they bring. The more positive and excited people are, the more we get, and with that excitement there seems to be more energy created. How that all works I don’t know, but you know things are going well because it just feel good and the phenomena starts to happen. Some people don’t believe it, but you can’t argue when a flower moves in their hand and they are gripping it tightly too. So, if they aren’t doing it themselves and you can see that, who or what is doing it? That’s my motivation.

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Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1211 - Filmmaker Michael Potter (SPACE FOR ART)


Directed by Maclovia G Martel

Space for Art is an extraordinary documentary film on the power of hope, courage, and healing. Featuring astronatut, and artist, Nicole Stott the film follows her on perhaps her most important mission of uniting a planetary community of children through the awe and wonder of space exploration and the healing power of art. Meet some of the young children who are wise beyond their years.

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EP. 1211 - Filmmaker Michael Potter (SPACE FOR ART)
Matthew Toffolo