Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts in Focus Puller
EP. 1443: Filmmaker Riley Young (SOWING THE SEEDS OF LOVE)

Sowing the Seeds of Love, 18min., USA

Directed by Riley Young

Sowing the Seeds of Love explores the obscure and peculiar sex lives of animals through the eyes of Hulk Hogan (1980’s WWE wrestler icon), Joyce DeWitt (Janet Wood from the popular 1970’s sitcom Three’s Company), and Robert Picardo (known for his character as the Holographic Doctor on the 1990’s Star Trek: Voyager series). Their role in this film is to satire their popularity to make the subject of animal sexuality more digestible to those without a scientific background.

Get to know the filmmaker:

What was your motivation to make this film? 

My true motivation for making this film was to find an engaging and accessible way to communicate science to a broad audience. With a background in Marine Science, I experienced firsthand during my capstone research project how challenging it can be to make scientific concepts exciting and understandable for those without a science background. That realization led me to pursue documentary filmmaking as a way to bridge that gap—bringing science to life in a way that is fun, accurate, and captivating for viewers of all backgrounds.

Two major inspirations shaped this film. The first was Jean Painlevé, a French filmmaker and pioneer of underwater cinema. His films explored the mysteries of marine life while blending science with humor, making complex topics engaging and accessible. The second was Isabella Rossellini's Green Porno series, where she playfully reenacts animal mating behaviors in surreal, theatrical settings. Her bold, unconventional approach to documentary filmmaking opened my eyes to new ways of presenting science—ways that are visually striking, thought-provoking, and deeply entertaining. Both of these influences challenged traditional documentary styles, incorporating themes of sexual identity, gender norms, and finding beauty in the unexpected—ideas that became a driving force behind my own film.

Drawing from these inspirations, I wanted to create something fresh, quirky, and exciting while still staying true to scientific accuracy. That's how Sowing the Seeds of Love was born. My film follows a trio of celebrity hosts who use humor, animation, and their star power to educate audiences about unconventional animal mating science—while drawing thought-provoking parallels to societal conversations around sexual identities. My goal is to reach people who might not typically watch documentaries—because let's face it, the word "documentary" alone can turn some people away. I want to change that by proving that science can be just as entertaining as it is enlightening.

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EP. 1443: Filmmaker Riley Young (SOWING THE SEEDS OF LOVE)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1406: Filmmaker Vivian Sorenson (SERPENTINE PINK)

Directed by Vivian Sorenson
A dark surreal experience. A first of its kind, vortex of a lesbian?? John Waters film meets Yellow Rose meets early Almodóvar on a Lynchian induced trip??in the Mojave desert.??Serious Lost Highway vibes!

Get to know the filmmaker:

What motivated you to make this film?
What motivated me to make this movie was the beauty and raw emotion embedded in Megan Breen’s words (Screenplay writer and playwright). The pain these characters endure is both devastating and strangely beautiful, and I felt compelled to bring their experiences to life. I love the desert and the visuals you can capture there. I wanted dance to be a part of the film and the strangeness, hostility of the desert to be a character as well. I knew it would require a unique approach—boxing gloves to tackle the challenging, brutal scenes, and soft mittens to smooth, coax, and nurture the words, scenes, guiding them into a compelling narrative flow. I also always love a good driving scene!

I’m drawn to horror, the starkness of wilderness and desert landscapes, and the emotional complexity they evoke. I also love working with actors as sensitive and talented as this cast. This project offered the unique challenge of transforming a piece that began as a play and evolved into a film script into a cohesive and captivating narrative that offered a perspective not usually seen in cinema.

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EP. 1406: Filmmaker Vivian Sorenson (SERPENTINE PINK)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1338 - Filmmaker Emir Cakaroz (AMERICANS SMELL GOOD)

Directed by Emir Cakaroz
The film combines the filmmaker’s story in the U.S.A. with people from different social, racial, and ethnic backgrounds that he wouldn’t have met if he hadn’t come to this country. It explores the experience of being in between many cultures when living in a foreign land.

Get to know the filmmaker:

What motivated you to make this film?
Immigration, a sense of belonging, connection, and isolation were always occurring themes in my films. However, I was mostly focusing on my family’s immigration from Bulgaria to Turkey and its long-term effects in my previous films. This time, I realized I had enough experience to make a film about my immigration from Turkey to the USA and I made it!

What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video?
It was amazing! It was a great feeling to see people understand what you wanted to do, and they actually enjoyed the film. It was also great to see how the audience made personal connection with the film.

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EP. 1338 - Filmmaker Emir Cakaroz (AMERICANS SMELL GOOD)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1316 - Filmmaker Rachel Nemez (PIPPY AND THE TYPIST)

Directed by Rachel Nemez
Our protagonist, Pippy, discovers that a magical typewriter controls the events happening down below.

Get to know the filmmaker:

My studiomates and thesis friends single handedly kept me going. I was going a little bit crazy at the beginning of the process, and I think the fact that I just wasn’t alone in a studio made all the difference. There were three of us in our studio sharing the space, and it was really awesome to be able to just pop in and chat for a bit and then go back to your separate working stations.

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EP. 1316 - Filmmaker Rachel Nemez (PIPPY AND THE TYPIST)
Matthew ToffoloEP. 1316 - Filmmaker Rachel Nemez (PIPPY AND THE TYPIST)
EP. 1279 - Filmmaker William Quinn Dover (CIAO, BELLA)

Directed by William Quinn Dover
In this modern film noir romance, a young stalker can’t seem to get over his ex lover, until finding out the double meaning of "Ciao Bella".

Get to know the filmmaker:
As much as it sucks to say, I caught somebody I was seeing on a date with another guy. I didn't take it in a bad way though. Seeing that just sparked the idea, I'm glad it happened. I was also watching "A Boy Meets Girl", a french noir movie that is absolutely stunning, and got directly inspired by that.

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EP. 1279 - Filmmaker William Quinn Dover (CIAO, BELLA)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1087 - Filmmakers Jillie Simon, Thomas Simon (A CHANCE)

A CHANCE, 16min., USA
Directed by Jillie Simon, Ange Arabatzis
When Mia and Caroline reunite in a city park, they soon find out that the past is not always quite past. Conflicts are resurrected, sparks fly – and then things get complicated.

Get to know Jillie Simon:

JILLIE: I’d been cast in the play version, “Be Still”, which takes place all on a park bench, and thought it was a very compelling situation with a powerful relationship between the two lead characters and clever dialogue – and I suggested to the playwright, Ange Arabatzsis that it could make a really interesting short film if we had flashbacks showing what brought them to this place – and got them off the park bench! The fact that it was a story about a lesbian couple gave me more motivation to make it, because fewer stories are told for the LGBTQ audience, and all groups that are more marginalized should have the opportunity to see themselves up on screen.

ANGE writes: He’d “originally envisioned “Be Still” as a man-woman piece. Then a seemingly unrelated conversation with a dear friend awakened in him the realization that love, true love is a meeting of the hearts. What followed was a reading at the Writers and Actors Group in NYC, where ( he) had the idea- based purely on chemistry to cast the wonderful Jillie Simon and Karen Irwin. The room held it’s breath during the entire read and he knew then, that he was onto something.”

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

EP. 1087 - Filmmakers Jillie Simon, Thomas Simon (A CHANCE)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1064 - Filmmaker Claudia Mulet (BEYOND, a R.Evolution Latina)

BEYOND, a R.Evolucion Latina, 23min,. USA
Directed by Claudia Mulet
“Beyond” is a Documentary inspired by the Beyond Workshop Series, an adult training program created for young latinx performers in New York City. The documentary follows five young performers looking to develop their skills in order to “make it” to the Broadway Stage and understand the importance of their presence in the theater world for a more inclusive future.

Get to know the filmmaker:

After being working with R.Evolution Latina for a couple of years and making some of their video promos, one day talking with their director Luis Salgado, I asked him about the possibility of making a documentary of their work. I have been very inspired about their mission and the work they are doing in providing high quality training underrepresented communities. I could see how much these workshops changed the people involved in so many ways, how much they grew their connections, their perspectives, even the way they communicate love . The idea of a documentary started like a sort of joke but it turned out to be one of the most beautiful processes in my filmmaker career. Showing to the latino community in New York and to all the other underrepresented communities that there is a place where they can feel represented and supported in their career journeys, was everything. The talent these people carry and how much we need those talents out there motivated me to share these stories.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

EP. 1064 - Filmmaker Claudia Mulet (BEYOND, a R.Evolution Latina)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1061 - Filmmaker William Allum (NIGHT FEED)

Directed by William Allum
Late one night a baby is terrorised by a monster in their room.

Get to know the filmmaker:

My wife and I had just had our first baby, and the country was just about to go into lockdown with COVID.
After many sleepless nights, and no family able to visit, it was just the three of us in a very small flat. Locked in with this tiny screaming thing, I wondered what it must look like from her perspective, maybe I am some kind of scary looming thing for her. The shoot was very quick, with all the post work taking “a bit” longer, it was a good project to take my mind of things.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

EP. 1061 - Filmmaker William Allum (NIGHT FEED)
Matthew Toffolo
Nov. 5, 2023 - Filmmaker Ivan Groenheijde (REPERCUSSIES)

REPERCUSSIES, 11min., Netherlands
Directed by Ivan Groenheijde
Two years after ending his toxic relationship, Brian is being held hostage in his own home by his ex girlfriend Katja, who is willing to risk everything to get him back. Katja gives him an ultimatum which makes Brian realize that his and his current girlfriend’s life are at stake

Get to know the filmmaker:

I wanted to tell a story about a man who’s a victim of domestic violence. We have seen and heard so many stories about women being a victim, but rarely about men.

I think that we need more awareness about this topic, so we can help the victims whenever they are ready to escape a toxic relationship.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Nov. 5, 2023 - Filmmaker Ivan Groenheijde (REPERCUSSIES)
Matthew Toffolo
Sept. 27, 2023 - Filmmaker Prathiba Natesan Batley (DIRTY SECRETS)

Directed by Prathiba Natesan Batley
DIRTY SECRETS is autobiographical dance short film with an all women cast and crew, that traces a lifetime of sexual abuse and harassment across my lifespan in both the east and the west which is a surprisingly common story. This is an international collaboration across a cast and crew from the US, Malaysia, and India.

Get to know the filmmaker:

1. What motivated you to make this film?

My dance company Eyakkam’s mission is to make the beautiful, traditional dance form of Bharatanatyam which has a troubled past and present more current. Eyakkam means movement in my mother tongue Tamil meaning a social movement, a political movement, a physical movement, or a musical movement. I want to remove the caste and religious hegemonies from the dance form while giving women more agency as actors and creators. I want to use this dance form to talk about current issues and take it to the masses rather than to just a few classes or castes.

I cannot exactly point out when I started thinking about writing/making Dirty Secrets, but I remember being affected deeply every time I or someone else experienced sexual harassment/abuse/violence. Like I say in my film, we share, comment, like, subscribe, or cancel but often do nothing. When the Nirbhaya gang rape case (in Delhi) and a series of inhuman sexual violence cases became more public in India I realized how women and their bodies were weaponized by the political organizations or groups in question. It is perhaps the anger or ineptness that I cannot change people’s minds or perhaps it is the hope that I might spark a debate amongst survivors to come out and discuss their struggles more openly that motivated me to make this film. And finally, the chair I sit on has four legs – my husband without whom I could not have had the courage to talk about my personal experiences, my brother who is an unwavering supporter of my works, my dance teacher who is like my second mother, and my late mother who trusted me to do what I believed in irrespective of popular opinion.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Sept. 27, 2023 - Filmmaker Prathiba Natesan Batley (DIRTY SECRETS)
Matthew David ToffoloSept. 27, 2023 - Filmmaker Prathiba Natesan Batley (DIRTY SECRETS)
Sept. 15, 2023 - Filmmaker Dominic Mercurio (HE WON’T BELONG)

HE WON’T BELONG, 22min., USA, Drama
Directed by Dominic Mercurio
In the midst of a storm on a desolate strip of California’s lost coast, Theo spots a young shivering stranger named Connor on the side of the road and brings him back to his home for shelter. While they wait for the storm to pass, they begin to uncover each others past wounds.

Get to know the filmmaker:

A personal experience I had with a close friend kicked off the initial concept, but there were so many more moments of inspiration along that way that continually made me so excited to make this film. After the bones of the story were in place it became really exciting to be telling a story that played around with audience expectations. Especially expectations we have when two gay men are at the center of a story. I also was very motivated to offer my portrayal of anxiety / panic attacks / nightmares on screen. It was very cathartic.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Sept. 15, 2023 - Filmmaker Dominic Mercurio (HE WON’T BELONG)
Matthew David Toffolo
August 21, 2023 - Filmmaker Qian Zhou (SURVIVAL)

Directed by Qian Zhou
The year 2022, which has just passed, was a tough year for the world, and it was also a challenging year for the UK. The energy crisis caused by the Russia-Ukraine war, the following economic crisis, the pound’s fall, global warming… All of this affects everyone in the world.

Get to know the filmmaker:
I made this film because I saw what was happening in 2022 internationally and in the UK, where I live. Energy crisis, inflation, global warming, and so on. At first I wanted to make a documentary about the impact of the crisis, and my producer came across a charity in Bournemouth that was sending free food and clothing to homeless people every weekend. Through my participation in the charity organization as a volunteer to serve people in need, I met a lot of different people and heard different stories. But what made me respect and surprise the most was Andy, the initiator of the charity organization and our protagonist. Therefore, I decided to make a documentary about Andy and tell the audience what a special year 2022 is through his eyes.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

August 21, 2023 - Filmmaker Qian Zhou (SURVIVAL)
Matthew Toffolo
August 20, 2023 - Filmmaker Matthew Forbes (DAVID)

DAVID, 10min,. Canada
Directed by Matthew Forbes
Based on a true story, “David” follows the life of an openly gay HIV/AIDS activist at the peak of that nightmare pandemic, dividing his time between fighting for justice in an openly homophobic society and helping a total stranger as the virus takes his life away. Tight, compact and full of passion, “David” shows a contrast of terrible, deadly hatred and the incredible compassion that can blossom despite the hatred, if we let it.

Get to know the filmmaker:

A had a friend named David Shannon. I knew him to be a charming, funny, sweet writer/journalist. When he passed in 2018 (aged only 56), it was only at his wake did someone mention in passing that during the HIV/AIDS crisis of the 80s and 90s, he provided care and companionship to patients who had been ostracized by family and friends after being forced out of the closet by their diagnosis.

David had never spoken of this; it was only near the end of his life that he mentioned it to his brother. I felt this was a story that deserved to be told. Research was difficult, as he had told no one about it, so I crafted a short script that distilled the experience into a compact story.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

August 20, 2023 - Filmmaker Matthew Forbes (DAVID)
Matthew Toffolo
September 7, 2022 - Filmmaker Walter Escamilla (WHERE TEARS, PERHAPS)

WHERE TEARS, PERHAPS is a music video featuring a dance duet between two female dancers that represents the act of creation. Interview with the Columbian filmmaker Walter Escamilla on the making of the film.

Director Biography - Walter Escamilla

Walter Escamilla is a filmmaker based in Bogotá, Colombia. He studied Visual Arts at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. He's first short film, Video Pulso, premiered in 2008 and was selected in various local film festivals including Cartagena International Film Festival. He's second short film, Prayer for Transformation, premiered in 2012 to further acclaim.

Apart form his artistic career, he has extensive experience as a Director and Editor of TV shows and documentary films. In 2012 he co-founded MONARCA, a young and highly creative team that produces music videos, fashion films and experimental media.

Film playing on the Film Festival Streaming service later this month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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September 7, 2022 - Filmmaker Walter Escamilla (WHERE TEARS, PERHAPS)
Matthew Toffolo
August 6, 2022 - Filmmaker Alex Murray (SIGNAL DARK)

SIGNAL DARK was the winner of BEST DIRECTION at the June 2022 FANTASY/SCI-FI Festival.

“Lucas Anderson is an insular IT technician whose life is turned upside down when he stumbles across a mysterious email and its reality bending contents.”

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

August 6, 2022 - Filmmaker Alex Murray (SIGNAL DARK)
Matthew Toffolo
July 2, 2022 - Filmmaker Oliver Ponce (L.A. RISES)

L.A. RISES was the winner of BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY at the June 2022 LA DOCUMENTARY Film Festival.

“A documentary about the George Floyd uprising in Los Angeles in 2020.”

Conversation with Oliver on the making of this film and being literally on the front lines of the protest that occurred in Los Angeles in May 2020.

Watch film today! You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

July 2, 2022 - Filmmaker Oliver Ponce (L.A. RISES)
Matthew Toffolo
November 21, 2021 - Filmmaker/Composer Daron Hagen (ORSON REHEARSED)

ORSON REHEARSED is the winner of BEST MUSICAL at the 2021 Experimental/Dance/Music Festival. You can watch the film and festival for FREE today HERE.

Orson Welles’ heart has just stopped. We enter his mind in this moment, on the threshold between life and death. In the bardo Orson’s thoughts unspool as a stream of consciousness that loops back on itself, like a mobius strip. Three avatars onstage in the theater of his mind are paired with three films within the film as he shuffles through his memories, loves, regrets, like a magician preparing for one last magic trick. Is he ready for what comes next?”

Conversation with Daron Hagen on the making of his first film.

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November 21, 2021 - Filmmaker/Composer Daron Hagen (ORSON REHEARSED)
Matthew Toffolo
October 17, 2021 - Filmmaker Jean Chapiro (HAMBRE: HUNGRY FOR LIFE)
October 17, 2021 - Filmmaker Jean Chapiro (HAMBRE: HUNGRY FOR LIFE)
Matthew Toffolo

HAMBRE: HUNGRY FOR LIFE is a personal and poetic documentary that explores the journey to overcome anorexia by coming to terms with all that being hungry for life implies. By approaching this concept from a physical, emotional, and spiritual perspective, viewers are invited to partake in this transformative journey. Playing at the DOCUMENTARY Short Film Festival - WATCH for FREE NOW

Conversation with filmmaker Jean Chapiro on the making of the film and this personal journey.

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August 28, 2021 - Director/DP David Boyd (The Walking Dead, Friday Night Lights)
August 28, 2021 - Director/DP David Boyd (The Walking Dead, Friday Night Lights)
Matthew Toffolo

David Boyd has been working in the industry since his first credited role as a camera assistant in 1979. David chats with Matthew Toffolo about his career, starting as a Focus Puller on multiple independent films in the 1980s. He then moved on working for Union productions (NYPD BLUE, PRIMAL FEAR), before starting his Director of Photography career in the 2000s (FIREFLY, DEADWOOD, WITHOUT A TRACE). Then in 2007, Peter Berg hired David to DP the pilot episode for the new TV series FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS, as Berg liked David’s “rogue” style. Mid-way through season 1, David directed an episode and it was then his new career started. Since then David has directed multiple television series episodes, including THE WALKING DEAD, LONGMIRE, and THE NIGHT SHIFT.

This is a special podcast interview. David Boyd is an exceptional storyteller and his journey through the industry is a masterclass of working in the film industry and staying true to yourself.

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