Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged screeenwriter
EP: 1425: Screenwriter Matthew Clark (MADE IN PHILADELPHIA)

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The untold true story of Phil Leonetti, the youngest underboss in mafia history, and how he brought down the mob. Set in one of the most brutal eras of the Philadelphia Crime Family, young Phil Leonetti rose through the ranks to become second-in-command to his uncle, Nicodemo “Little Nicky” Scarfo, and eventually turned government witness. His cooperation turned convictions against his own family, John Gotti, Vincent Gigante, and countless others. The downfall of La Cosa Nostra as it was began with Phil Leonetti.

Get to know the writer:

What is your screenplay about?

Philadelphia Crime Family in the 1980s (I’ll expand on this)

What genres does your screenplay fall under?


Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?

It has not been done before, in any capacity, and there is an audience for this kind of work. It’s an untapped story with incredible potential

How would you describe this script in two words?

Untold and engrossing

What movie have you seen the most times in your life?

The Godfather

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EP: 1425: Screenwriter Matthew Clark (MADE IN PHILADELPHIA)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1421: Screenwriter Cecil Harris (WHITE CHOCOLATE)

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Get to know the writer:

What is your screenplay about?
White Chocolate is about a female detective who, along with her male partner, has to solve the killing of a high school basketball prodigy in Yonkers, New York (near New York City). Detective Erika Gonzalez is a single mom and the daughter of a cop killed in the line of duty. Her son’s father, who proved unfaithful during their relationship, has been recently released from prison. The story focuses on Erika’s resilience in the face of personal and professional challenges, as well as the unwanted attention that comes to an attractive woman who simply wants to do her job.

What genres does your screenplay fall under?
Drama, Crime, Sports.

Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?
Erika is a character who faces so many challenges in a male-dominated profession and is constantly being tested, which makes her someone worth rooting for. Also, the basketball prodigy represents the hopes and dreams of many in a city not noted for producing famous people. Many in the community live vicariously through him, making his killing difficult for them to process. Fingers are pointed in many different directions. There’s a whodunit element to the story. Those who may be able to identify the killer before the detectives may be intrigued by the lengths to which the killer tries to avoid accountability.

How many stories have you written?
Two screenplays. The other is Iceman, which is about a Black hockey trailblazer in the 1995-96 National Hockey League season.
I’m also the author of four books: Breaking the Ice: The Black Experience in Professional Hockey (Insomniac Press, Toronto), the first book that told the unique stories of Black players in hockey; Call the Yankees My Daddy: Reflections on Baseball, Race, and Family; Charging the Net: A History of Blacks in Tennis from Althea Gibson and Arthur to the Williams Sisters; and Different Strokes: Serena, Venus, and the Unfinished Black Tennis Revolution. My books reside at the intersection of sports and sociology. I used to cover the NHL’s Carolina Hurricanes for The News & Observer in Raleigh and the New York Rangers for Newsday in New York. The lead character in Iceman is based on Black NHL players I wrote about in Breaking the Ice.

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EP. 1421: Screenwriter Cecil Harris (WHITE CHOCOLATE)
Matthew David Toffolo
EP. 1410: Screenwriter Stephanie Neroes (COLLATERAL HEARTS)

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After spending their tenth wedding anniversary at the Mackinac Island, Jackson and Rebecca are in a tragic car accident which leaves her in a coma for 6 months and Jackson dead. After she wakes up, she has to grieve the loss and this takes a toll on her. She meets Patrick when he comes to the school to unblock a toilet one of her students filled with sand. He feels familiar to her but she brushes it off until she goes to a church to attend grief counseling, the same church he is attending AA meetings at. They become close until she realises that Patrick was the reason for the accident.

Get to know the writer:

1.. What is your screenplay about?
Collateral Hearts is about how one navigates the complexities of grief, forgiveness, and healing after experiencing profound loss and trauma.

2. What genres does your screenplay fall under?
Drama, Romance, Family

3. Why should this screenplay be made into a movie?
I feel like in a world seeking empathy, forgiveness, and resilience, Collateral Hearts offers a timely exploration of the power of second chances and healing after unimaginable loss. As audiences resonate with universal themes of grief, addiction, and hope, this story speaks to the struggles and redemption many face today, making it both poignant and relevant.

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EP. 1410: Screenwriter Stephanie Neroes (COLLATERAL HEARTS)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1400: Screenwriter Amanda Minchin (MARY KAY & JOHNNY)

Watch the best scene reading:

A newlywed couple takes on a one time gig to make ends meet and wind up creating America’s very first sitcom in the process… based on a true story.

Get to know the writer:

What is your screenplay about?

This is easily the hardest question – there’s so much to say about this!

This screenplay is a based on the true story of Mary Kay and Johnny Stearns, a couple of Broadway-bound newlyweds living in New York City during the dawn of the small screen. It’s an interesting time to be sure – post WWII, there are less TV sets in the U.S. than residents in all of of Manhattan. There’s more dead air than actual programming, and anything that does make it to air is done live. The pair manage to get their hands on 15 minutes of precious air-time, and are given carte blanch to make something great with it. They have no idea what they’re doing… but, then again, neither does anyone else! What they come up with is a show about their lives, featuring them as, well, themselves. In doing so, they accidentally create America’s very first sitcom, breaking barriers that would soon be too taboo to show on screen, from sharing a bed, to sharing a child years before I Love Lucy and The Munsters.

… And yet, nobody knows about it!

The reason for this is multifold. Some seasons weren’t recorded at all, or were recorded with lackluster equipment. Years later, company takeovers resulted in entire reels being thrown out. Of 300 episodes, only one remains.

What I’m proposing is a show about the making of this show. This screwball dramedy miniseries would follows the three season timeline of the original, and be in the vein of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, but with the self-awareness of Kevin Can Fuck Himself.

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EP. 1400: Screenwriter Amanda Minchin (MARY KAY & JOHNNY)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1389 - Screenwriters Drew Henriksen, Ken Hewski (BOZ: Bikers of Oz)

Watch the 1st scene script reading:

After a twister rips a biker bar from its foundation, two rival biker gangs crash land in the mythical land of L. Frank Baum’s tales. Thinking they know the story, the two foes quickly unite, but encounter forces that they don’t know as well as they thought. In this Adult Swim style animated show, think of Sons of Anarchy surviving the twisted land of Oz. May also be live action.

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EP. 1389 - Screenwriters Drew Henriksen, Ken Hewski (BOZ: Bikers of Oz)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1340 - Screenwriter Clifford Evan (DELIVERED)

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An artistically-gifted pizza delivery boy, caught up in a criminal enterprise that funds his creative pursuits, confronts otherworldly and possibly dangerous forces when a mysterious girl sprung from his dreams appears at his next drop.

Get to know the writer:

The story centers around Jesse, a gifted artist, who delivers both pizzas and cash for the illicit gambling ring his boss Angelo runs. Shady turns spooky when a girl from Jesse’s drawings manifests in the flesh at one of his cash drops. Only the girl, mysterious and beautiful Taria, is very much real and powerfully psychic. Cryptically, she warns that working for Angelo, the father Jesse’s never had, will have dire consequences. That his true life path is to embrace his calling as an artist. If only Jesse believed Taria really can see the future.

Soon after Taria disappears, broken-hearted Jesse is haunted by a series of strange, even supernatural, encounters, forcing him to make harrowing choices if he ever wants his girl back. If he even wants to live. Only after Angelo is beaten inches from death, and the ring’s big boss is murdered, does Jesse take a life-altering mindf*ck of a journey to the nearly unfathomable truth.

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EP. 1340 - Screenwriter Clifford Evan (DELIVERED)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1299 - Screenwriter Frank Borne (NO WORDS)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

With the exception of Grace Hart, students of Lexington Academy perform tunes at a fall concert. When she’s suspended, her divorced parents, Adam and Emma, squabble over the cause of her mutism. The Harts have attempted to put their divorce behind them, each with younger lovers, Emma with hunky Owen, Adam with law school student Dennis. However, Emma’s depression over the divorce persists, while Adam, committed to Dennis, has difficulty expressing affection for him in public.

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EP. 1299 - Screenwriter Frank Borne (NO WORDS)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1278 - Screenwriter Susannah Roberts (DEPRAVED)

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Depraved is a slasher that takes place at a college campus. A serial killer stalks the campus mutilating their victims while two detectives work tirelessly to try and identify the culprit. More and more bodies mount up until we end with a shocking twist that no one will see coming.

Get to know the writer:

Depraved should be produced because it is different to other slasher movies out there. The film moves away from the stereotypical ‘serial killer identity’ and takes us in a new direction that is rarely seen in the horror genre. It explores themes that while present in the real world are rarely shown on screen. It also breaks a number of the trends and clichés seen in most slashers. Depraved is a fresh new take on the genre and will appeal to lovers of horrors as well as being more inclusive of groups who seldom have pivotal roles within the slasher genre. The script has already garnered interest within the industry with people reaching out to me about it.

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EP. 1278 - Screenwriter Susannah Roberts (DEPRAVED)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1276 - Screenwriter Sami Garcia (LIGHT EM’ UP)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

Based on the best-selling book about Officer Sam Harris, a bomb squad leader, and her team of experts as they race against the clock to save innocent live from a serial bomber, including their own. Our lead also happens to be a lesbian , navigating her way through a male dominant culture, inspired by the author’s real life experience as a lesbian in law enforcement.

Get to know the writer:

This one- hour serialized action thriller, based on the bestselling book, Light ‘Em Up, Officer Sam Harris, a bomb squad leader, and her team of expert’s race against the clock to save innocent lives from a serial bomber, including their own. Our lead also happens to be a lesbian, navigating her way through a male dominant culture, inspired by the author’s real life experience as a lesbian in law enforcement.

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EP. 1276 - Screenwriter Sami Garcia (LIGHT EM’ UP)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1257 - Screenwriter Bethany Yoder (BOB’S BURGERS spec)

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Title: Boby’s Burgers: Word to the Pennywise

After Louise trades 1000 Pennies for a $10 bill, she discovers that rare pennies can be very valuable. She enlists Gene and Tina to hunt down her traded pennies, but finds something more valuable than money. Meanwhile Bob and Teddy challenge the notion “you are what you wear.”

Get to know the writer:
Word to the Pennywise is a spec script set in the Bob’s Burgers’ Universe. The episode largely follows Louise, Gene, and Tina as they run around Wonder Wharf trying to find “Mr. Penny Man,” someone that Louise believes is in possession of a very rare penny. During this episode, Bob and Teddy also start questioning their clothing (and ultimately life) choices.

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EP. 1257 - Screenwriter Bethany Yoder (BOB’S BURGERS spec)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1234 - Screenwriter Melanie Munt (DISCHORDANT)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

A down-on-her-luck violinist reluctantly accepts an offer to teach a young boy with severe social anxiety.

Get to know the writer:

Dischordant is a live action/animation hybrid about self-destructive, single Rachel, a forty-year-old violinist whose greatest dream is just to get her job back with the Adelaide Symphony Orchestra but fucks it up every time, and David, a selectively mute, neurodivergent eleven-year-old with a dark secret, who just wants to fit in.

Rachel struggles to connect with and unlock her full talent. Her technique is perfect, but her heart? That’s locked away. In the pilot, Rachel loses her job and her beloved cat, and – once again – blows an audition with the Symphony Orchestra. She’s under constant pressure from everyone around her – Gracie, her half-sister who suffers from PTSD, her mum Joan who pesters her at every turn and who develops early onset Alzheimer’s, and her needy BFF Lucy who, through her own insecurities, makes Rachel feel worthless at every turn. So of course, Rachel has her emotional barriers wayyyyy up. Until now she has been unable to break through these barriers, but David is going to change all of that.

Rachel and David form a unique bond of trust, mainly through music which flows through the series almost like a character itself. Music is the only thing that can calm David when he’s going through his “darkening” – like when the neighbour mows his lawn too loudly, or the markers scratch too loudly on the whiteboard at school. David will eventually learn to trust Rachel, and finally reveals to her the dark secret that made him selectively mute. Rachel must now decide whether to breach his trust in the name of justice, or keep his nightmarish secret and let someone get away with murder.

Dischordant is a character driven, no filter dramedy about falling down and getting back up, time and time again. About being rejected over and over and learning how to live with that. It’s sarcastic – the characters use humour as a coping mechanism – but it is always rooted in the reality of the constant fight to get what you want, no matter how many times you have to claw yourself out of that hole. As viewers, we want Rachel to succeed, we want her to fight, because if she doesn’t, what hope do the rest of us have?

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EP. 1234 - Screenwriter Melanie Munt (DISCHORDANT)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1206 - Screenwriter Christine Oliva (YOU ARE WHAT YOU LOVE)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

Set against the backdrop of the OxyContin crisis, ‘Leah’s Choice’ unravels the true tale of Leah, a young woman entangled in a poignant queer love triangle. Caught between her soulmate and her best friend amidst her struggle with addiction, Leah’s journey is a harrowing blend of deep love and intense pain. Her story poses a thought-provoking dilemma: In the transformative journey of life, is it the profound depths of suffering or the overwhelming force of love that shapes us more? Or, ultimately, are they one and the same?

Get to know the writer:

“You Are What You Love” delves into the life of Leah, a young woman battling opioid addiction amidst a complex queer love triangle involving her soulmate Junie and best friend Maggie. Set against the backdrop of the opioid crisis, the story navigates through themes of love, betrayal, and the search for identity. It’s a poignant exploration of how deep emotional connections and personal struggles shape our journeys towards self-discovery and healing.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

EP. 1206 - Screenwriter Christine Oliva (YOU ARE WHAT YOU LOVE)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1057 - Screenwriter Martin White II (WRATH)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

Get to know the writer:
The best way I can summarize my screenplay is: "The Seven Deadly Sins invade Heaven. One goes rogue and fights against the other six." While I don't really like to think in terms of genre when I write, I'd say that the best genre to classify this as would be action. I think it could also fall under fantasy as well.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

EP. 1057 - Screenwriter Martin White II (WRATH)
Matthew Toffolo
EP. 1027 - Writer Alexander James Dingeman (UNCHOSEN)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

When the Chosen One abandons their quest, the world turns to… someone.

Get to know the screenwriter:

I worked on it off and on for about 6 months. The first draft was done in a week or two but I needed to do research to get the dialogue just right and experiment with the characters’ personalities.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

EP. 1027 - Writer Alexander James Dingeman (UNCHOSEN)
Matthew Toffolo
Ep. #1011 - Writer Adam Jay Ung (DELULU)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

A Korean-born, American-raised K-pop idol working on the release of her solo debut track in Seoul, struggles with the language and cultural differences while dealing with a crazed stalker who’s dangerously obsessed with her.

Get to know the writer:

On the surface, the screenplay is about a young K-pop idol who’s in the process of debuting her first track as a solo artist while dealing with a crazed stalker. Underneath the surface, it’s really about a girl who’s in search of her place in the world.

The title, “Delulu,” is a term that the K-pop fan community began using to label people they considered to be delusional for believing that they’d be lucky enough to date or befriend their favorite K-pop idols.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Ep. #1011 - Writer Adam Jay Ung (DELULU)
Matthew Toffolo
Aug. 12th - Screenwriter Linda Whitmore (LITTLE GREEN MEND)

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

A plant-like-alien from a distant planet receives a school assignment to help another planet without revealing themselves and gets assigned Earth. 

Get to know the writer:

Dribbit, a whiz-kid alien from Nergal, where all life is plant-based, gets a school assignment to do a good deed for problem-filled Earth. While researching (OK, eavesdropping on) our transmissions, he overhears Earth-girl Lindsay Monroe say, “Wouldn’t it be great if everyone were the same? The world would be perfect.”

A lightbulb moment for Dribbit! Of course! One race = no hatred = a perfect planet! Right? Dribbit surreptitiously rockets orbs of his “cure” to Earth to turn everyone into plant-based lifeforms … green! Plus, a positive side effect: No more global warming!

But realizing his good deed has created a deadly, catastrophic environmental imbalance, he rushes to Earth to make things right. He recruits Lindsay’s help in a cross-country adventure to solve and reverse the runaway greening before it’s too late.

Pursued by federal agents and a freaked-out public, the two barely escape to Nergal to enlist the help of Dribbit’s hero: the mysterious, two-headed Professor Rebnar. But even with his help, how can they save the Earth in time?

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Aug. 12th - Screenwriter Linda Whitmore (LITTLE GREEN MEND)
Matthew Toffolo