Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged under 5 min
March 16, 2023 - "The Captain's Mistress" short film team

Directed by Debra Pralle
Staging her Connect Four championship comeback, a 30 something sugar addicted has-been faces her greatest challenge – a pre-teen bubble gum chewing alpha girl who takes no prisoners.

Conversation with: Director Debra Pralle. Writers Corey Alder & Shea Gilchrist-Smith

Quote from director Debra Pralle:

Corey and Shea approached me with this hilarious, absurd spoof of the Queen’s Gambit trailer and I just couldn’t resist the challenge or opportunity. As an educator as well it seemed a perfect opportunity for my film students to work as well.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

March 16, 2023 - "The Captain's Mistress" short film team
Matthew Toffolo
December 28, 2022 - Filmmaker Kyle Briot (EXPRESSION)

EXPRESSION, 2min., USA, Drama
Directed by Kyle Briot
A young woman talks to a professional about her past, but all is not as it seems.

From the filmmaker:

I’ve been making films consistently since I graduated college in 2016 both as a director and a crew member on my friends’ films but after COVID hit we took a long break, obviously. So my brother Kevin used the quarantine time to write a feature film called Losers of Eden that we shot in the summer of 2021. And we had such a blast doing it that I didn’t want to keep waiting to do another one, so I started pre-production on Expression while Losers of Eden was in post.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

December 28, 2022 - Filmmaker Kyle Briot (EXPRESSION)
Matthew Toffolo
May 30, 2022 - Filmmaker Andrew Barahona (I’ll ALWAYS FORGET YOU)

I’ll ALWAYS FORGET YOU played to rave reviews at the May 2022 Under 5 Minute Film Festival.

“Two old lovers meet but one has no memory of the other.”

Conversation with filmmaker Andrew Barahona on the making of this film from concept to distribution.

Film also showing on the WILDsound TV app next month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

May 30, 2022 - Filmmaker Andrew Barahona (I’ll ALWAYS FORGET YOU)
Matthew Toffolo
March 16, 2022 - Filmmaker Patricia Delso Lucas (CSEND/DAYS WITHOUT TALKING)

“CSEND /Days without talking” is an amazing 4 minute short film from Belgium, written and directed by the multi-talented filmmaker Patricia Delso Lucas.

Conversation with Patricia on the making of the film.

“Nora and Florent can't find love; one out of fear of being alone, the other out of fear of being herself.”

Film also played at the WILDsound TV app on March 18th. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

March 16, 2022 - Filmmaker Patricia Delso Lucas (CSEND/DAYS WITHOUT TALKING)
Matthew Toffolo
April 28, 2021 - Filmmaker Jamie Donohoe (WHAT I SHOULD HAVE SAID)

“A family struggles to say what hasn’t been said.” WHAT I SHOULD HAVE SAID is a terrific short film made by a first time director. Winner of BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY at the Under 5 Minute Film Festival.

RSVP to WATCH the film for FREE at the festival this upcoming Friday.

Great conversation with English teacher turned filmmaker Jamie Donohoe on the making of this film from development to post-production.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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April 28, 2021 - Filmmaker Jamie Donohoe (WHAT I SHOULD HAVE SAID)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 17, 2021 - Filmmaker Daniel Riser (THE ASSASSINATION OF A MAN)

The art of the Steadicam shot. How a film got written & produced in a span of a couple of months during COVID when two friends wanted to make a fun project to practice their Steadicam gear. The project turned into an award winning short film called “The Assassination of a Man:”. (BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY winner at the Under 5min. Film Festival). Still time to watch the film and the festival now:

Summary of film: A hitman gets a call from his irate wife while on the job

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Jan. 16, 2021 - Daniel Riser (THE ASSASSINATION OF A MAN)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 16, 2020 - Filmmaker/Animator Apollonia Xylouris (FATHER)

The process and art of making a stop-motion clay animation short film. Chat with the director of the winning short film (BEST FILM winner at the Under 5min. Film Festival). Still time to watch the film and the festival now:

Summery of film: An animated short about a father’s relationship with his daughter and their bond through music.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Jan. 15, 2020 - Filmmaker/Animator Apollonia Xylouris (FATHER)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 14, 2021 - Filmmaker Elizabeth Quiroga Jordan (HOME BREAK IN)

The art of the one-minute-movie. Great chat with the filmmaker of HOME BREAK IN, playing at the Under 5 Minute Film Festival on Friday. Watch/RSVP the festival:

How to tell the beginning, middle and give an amazing twist ending in just 60 seconds. Watch HOME BREAK IN:

“A mysterious woman breaks into a man’s apartment while he is showering. After some unknown events, the story ends unexpectedly.”

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Jan. 14, 2021 - Filmmaker Elizabeth Quiroga Jordan (HOME BREAK IN)
Matthew Toffolo
Jan. 11, 2021 - Filmmaker Dan Bricker (THE FIVE STAGES OF QUARANTINE)

The Five Stages of Quarantine is the winner of BEST PERFORMANCES at the Jan. 2021 Under 5min. Film Festival. RSVP to watch the festival this Friday Jan. 15th. Streaming online for FREE:

Great chat with writer/director Dan Bricker on the process of making this film as a one man film crew.

Summary of FILM:

Just as Jeff is about to tell his roommate he’s moving out, he’s informed that the city is shutting down and they will be quarantined together.

Follow WILDsound Podcasts on all social media channels: @wildsoundpod

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

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Jan. 11, 2021 - Filmmaker Dan Bricker (THE FIVE STAGES OF QUARANTINE)
Matthew Toffolo
Festival Friday Round Up: Female-Directed Films and Under 5 Minute!

It’s that time again folks! Time to hear Matthew and Kierston talk about the Festival that occurs on Thursday Nights at the Carlton! Tonight we dive into our Female-directed Films and our Under Five minute festival!

Festival Friday Round Up! Sept 13 Female Directed Film / Under 5 min film
Matthew Toffolo, Kierston Drier, WILDsound festival
#22 Friday Festival Round Up Drama/Crime & Under 5 minute


Every Friday Matthew and Kierston meet up to discuss the festival from the night before. Every Thursday at the Carlton Cinema in Toronto, WILDsound screens amazing films from around the world. Last night it was our Drama/Crime and Under-Five-Minute night. Let's hear about what the audience was like, and what the films were like as well! 

#22 Friday Festival Round Up Drama/Crime & Under 5 minute
Kierston Drier, Matthew Toffolo, WILDsound festival

A showcase of 12 short films from around the world: 

#1 - UNEARTHED, 9min., USA, Drama/Crime
Directed by Daniel Bergeson

A mother must come to terms with her guilt after committing a heinous crime of vengeance. 

#2 - SNIP, 6min., New Zealand, Drama/Crime
Directed by Kenneth Clark 

A new hair style can change your life. 

#3 - KALTRINA, 10min., Drama/Crime
Directed by Evi Stamatiou

Centers around Kaltrina, a nurse from Kosovo who lives and works in NY and the conflicts that occur when a stranger who breaks into her apartment. 

#4 - THE GHOULIES, 5min., Australia, Drama/Crime
Directed by Harrison Lane 

Two brothers have their relationship tested when 11 year old Cooper wants to become a part of his older brother's gang. 

#5 -PERSONA, 2min., UK, Animation/Experimental
Directed by Thomas Donnelly 

Persona is a metaphorical film which uses masks in order to depict the destructive nature of Communism in pre-Soviet Russia

#6 - GIRL IN YELLOW, 3min., USA, Drama/Family
Directed by Christopher Tjajadi 

A switch in perspective reveals that nothing is as it seems. 

#7 - BROTHERS, 5min., USA, Drama/Family
Directed by Randy Kerr 

Set in the Pacific Northwest, three brothers find refuge and redemption from a troubled home through their love of fly fishing for steelhead and the enduring relationships they forge on the river. 

#8 - KCLOC, 3min., India, Documentary/Animation
Directed by Ninaad Kulkarni 

KCLOC is a 3D animated documentary on people's perceptions of time. A selection of brief interviews provide the voices for ten meticulously designed CGI clock characters, in a variety of real-world settings, as they respond to a single question: "What does time mean to you?" 

#9 - THE CORD, 5min., USA, Drama
Directed by Catherine L. Allard 

Adam and his friends enter the house. The mood is going to turn cold. He is about to do something that will change everything. His mind is made up. He is ready to cut the cord. 

#10 - NOT THE SAME RIVER. NOT THE SAME MAN, 4min., Animation/Experimental
Directed by Michelle Brand 

A fisherman takes his boat out on the river. While he and his surroundings are in a constant flow, the viewer observes the passing of time, watching everything go through movement and change. In an ever-flowing cycle, things come to be, change, evolve, and pass on.... 

#11 - IN THROUGH THE NIGHT, 4min., Drama/Experimental
Directed by Josiah Cuneo 

By recalling a childhood story, a world of daydreams and longing unfold against a quiet backdrop of the quotidian. 

#12 - FIREFLIES, 3min., UK, Drama
Directed by Aram Atkinson 

Camping is a magical time for any child, but for this particular young girl and her father, it is an experience they'll never forget. Fireflies is about the dedication and love of a father to his daughter, and the mysterious and magical things that can happen when you let your imagination run wild