Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged season 4
#39 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History - 2001: A space Odyssey

It is crazy wild ride here on Matthew and Kierston’s journey through space, time and cinematic history. Come hop in their flying saucer today as they zip around the science-fiction wonder that is 2001: A space Odyssey.

#39 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History - 2001: A space Odyssey
Kierston Drier, Matthew Toffolo, WILDsound Festival
#38 10 Films that Changed Cinematic History: The Jazz Singer

What’s that you heard? It’s Kierston and Matthew chiming in with their take on why 1927’s The Jazz singer (The first feature length film with synchronized music and dialogue) changed film as we know it. Come listen in to how this classic story of man-against-society was groundbreaking for its time!

#38 10 Films that Changed Cinematic History: The Jazz Singer
Kierston Drier, Matthew Toffolo, WILDsound Festival
#37 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History- Toy Story

Are you on team Woody? Or team Buzz? Are you more “Howdy there, partner?” or “To infinity, and beyond!” Today on The Film Podcast, Matthew and Kierston open up their childhood toy chests and discuss why Disney-Pixar’s Toy Story changed Cinema forever

#37 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History- Toy Story
Matthew Toffolo, Kierston Drier, WILDsound Film Festival
#35 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History- Snow White

That's right! Matthew and Kierston are here today to talk about Snow White- Why is the movie a household name today, 8 decades later? Find out more on this current installment of the WILDsound Mini Series- 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History!


Matthew Toffolo, Kierston Drier, WILDsound festival
#34 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History- The Blair Witch Project

Chances are you remember the Hype. Halloween isn't quite here yet, but that doesn't mean Matthew and Kierston aren't ready to don their spooky costumes and start talking about the instant cult classic that is The Blair Witch Project. Come listen and find out why this film sparked a new genre of cinema. 

#34 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History- The Blair Witch Project
Matthew Toffolo, Kierston Drier, WILDsound Festival
#33 10 Films That changed Cinematic History: Pulp Fiction!

Hello hungry Hungry Film Fans! 

Today WILDsound Launches it's Ten-part mini series on Ten Films That Shaped Cinematic History! Heads-up! This isn't in chronological order! Pulp fiction falls somewhere right in the middle, but that's no problem with us, we are stoked to share it with you!


#34: 10 Films That Changed Cinematic History: Pulp Fiction
Kierston Drier, Matthew Toffolo, WILDsound Festival
#31 Bizaro Mixie Pixie Girl

What looks like a Manic Pixie Dream Girl, but is crueler and more dangerous than a femme fatale? She is hard to define in conventional media, so Matthew and Kierston decided to make up a name and definition for her- Come listen and say that you heard it here first- the Bizaro Mixie Pixie. 

#31 Bizaro Mixie Pixie Girl
Matthew Toffolo, Kierston Drier, WILDsound festival