Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged feedback film
July 4, 2022 - Filmmaker Elena S. Shelton (REMEMBER BEGINNING)

REMEMBER BEGINNING was the winner of BEST DIRECTION at the May 2022 WILDsound Film Festival.

“A fleeting glance into one man's journey from childhood into mature years with an object, a yellow tape, as a symbolic witness, which takes on a more mystical presence as the time goes on.”

Conversation with new filmmaker Elena S. Shelton on her amazing journey making this film.

Watch film tonight! You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

July 4, 2022 - Filmmaker Elena S. Shelton (REMEMBER BEGINNING)
Matthew Toffolo
June 10, 2022 - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Filmmaking team.

TO HAVE & TO HOLD was the winner of BEST PERFORMANCES at the May 2022 Romance & Relationships Film Festival.

Interview with director Daniel Gaymon. producer/writer Ali Keller. Actor Lisa Purrone, about the making of the film from idea to distribution.

Project Links

Film also showing on the WILDsound TV app next month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

June 10, 2022 - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Filmmaking team.
Matthew Toffolo
June 5, 2022 - Filmmaker/Animator Roger Edwards (LUCHA AND THE EKEKO)

LUCHA AND THE EKEKO was the winner of BEST SOUND & MUSIC at the FEEDBACK Animation Festival.

“When Marisol stumbles upon a peculiar doll, Elena recognizes it as an Ekeko – the souvenir/gift from an undocumented migrant girl named LUCHA. This prompts Elena to recount the colorful story of how Lucha (and her Ekeko) opened her heart … to eventually receive Marisol in adoption.”

Conversation with filmmaker Roger Edwards on the story making this film.

Film also showing on the WILDsound TV app next month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

June 5, 2022 - Filmmaker/Animator Roger Edwards (LUCHA AND THE EKEKO)
Matthew Toffolo
July 27, 2021 - Filmmaker J.Q. Nelson (RUN GIRL RUN)

RUN GIRL RUN was the winner of BEST SHORT FILM at the July 2021 ACTION Film Festival. You can watch the film and the full festival all day today HERE

“Allison Pfaendler’s goal is to win the Detroit Free Press marathon. As she trains for the marathon, she is suddenly intercepted by 3 muggers, which is a chase that tests her stamina.”

Conversation with filmmaker J. Q. Nelson on the process making this film in Detroit, the city he grew up in.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

Submit to the festival anytime via FilmFreeway:

July 25, 2021 - Filmmaker J.Q. Nelson (RUN GIRL RUN)
Matthew Toffolo