Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged animated
February 13, 2023 - Writer Jennifer Kurani (FEELING SPECIAL)

FEELING SPECIAL, 5min,. USA, Animation
Directed by Carlos Hoffman
Animated film adaptation of the children’s book, Feeling Special, about a Turtle who believes that all his friends are special, but that he is just ordinary, and finally realizes that he is special too.

Get to know writer Jennifer Kurani:

The motivation to make this film came from the desire to spread a very important message about believing in yourself. Everyone truly is special in their own way! When you believe in yourself, you’re accepting who you really are. You’re not afraid to give your opinion and you’re going to be proud of this person you’re becoming. When you believe in yourself you feel like you can handle the world! Positive energy and a little confidence gives a major lift. Believing that you are special gives you the strength and ability to accomplish goals. Deep down inside, you know you can do anything.

You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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February 13, 2023 - Writer Jennifer Kurani (FEELING SPECIAL)
Matthew Toffolo
September 20, 2022 - Producer/Writer Michael Lai (SUNSHINE HEALING)

SUNSHINE HEALING, 8min., Australia

The year is 2020 - fear and uncertainty had started to spread uncontrollably like the virus itself. Far away from home, a young woman navigates the emotional labyrinth of life during the pandemic.

Conversation with writer/producer Michael Lai on the 2 year process making the film.

Film playing on the Film Festival Streaming service later this month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

Subscribe to the podcast via Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook

September 20, 2022 - Producer/Writer Michael Lai (SUNSHINE HEALING)
Matthew Toffolo