Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged Rob Bell
February 21, 2023 - FOREVER BOUND film team (Rob Bell, Elisa Messi, Flavio Carlotti)

FOREVER BOUND, 7min., Italian, Fashion
Directed by Rob Bell
For Forever Bound, we wanted to explore the theme of fate’s adversarial role in a relationship, how destiny, if you believe in such a thing, plays an important role in how our lives turn out. It’s an exciting challenge solving the puzzle of how we are able to communicate such a personal, and yet universally experienced, stage in life. Our aim is that through both action and costume we will be able to artistically portray the inception of a separating thought, consequent tensions, and ultimately the final relief and acceptance of such a painful truth.

Conversation with

Director Rob Bell.

Writer/Producer Elisa Messi.

Composer/Producer: Flavio Carlotti

From Elisa Messi:

During the pandemic, the desire to take a different professional direction was born. After much reflection, we started to combine the best of our professional experiences to create something that could represent and satisfy us. The desire to be able to express a message through fashion and music, using video as a medium, fascinated us right from the start. Thus was born the idea of telling a story that spoke on several levels. Expressing emotions through clothes and jewellery, defining emotions through colours. Thinking of music as a fourth character on stage, capable of guiding and suggesting through sounds despite the insubstantiality of the body. This fascinated us so much that we created Forever Bound.

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February 21, 2023 - FOREVER BOUND film team (Rob Bell, Elisa Messi, Flavio Carlotti)
Matthew Toffolo