Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged MUSIC AND DEMENTIA short film
June 20, 2021 - Filmmaker Shota Fujii (MUSIC AND DEMENTIA)

MUSIC AND DEMENTIA was the winner of BEST DIRECTION at the June 2021 DOC SHORTS Festival. You can watch the festival today for FREE all day HERE

“A professional pianist was diagnosed as an early on set dementia when she was in her 50’s and forgotten how to play the piano. She was depressed since then. Her husband wanted her to get back her meaning of life and they started practicing piano together. After 3 years practice and her husband support, she was able to play the piano again although her symptom progresses.”

Truly and amazing story. Conversation with filmmaker Shota Fujii on the process making this film.

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June 20, 2021 - Filmmaker Shota Fujii (MUSIC AND DEMENTIA)
Matthew Toffolo