Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

EP. 1390 - Writer/Producer/Actor Mia Bible (HONORABLE)

Directed by Zachary Scott Clark, Mariah L. Richardson
Two months after he denounces the Nation of Islam and nine months before his assassination, MALCOLM X SHABAZZ has a chance encounter with his estranged brother and mentee MUHAMMAD ALI.

Get to know writer/producer/actor Mia Bible:

What motivated you to make this film?

My need to create for creation’s sake and grief. The idea of “Honorable” began as a 3-minute scene where Ali & Malcolm X would simply have a conversation. The plan was for me to write it and Jason Little who plays Malcolm X in the film and Zach Clark who portrays Muhammad Ali to star in it. All three of us just worked together on a play called “The Meeting,” and it was super successful so I was condent in what they could do. However, in the same year I was dreaming this up, I was also processing the death of my friend, who was also an actor, my first producing partner, and 27 when he passed. I knew nothing about Ali and Malcolm’s brotherhood, but once I began researching it, I came across Ali’s quote in his autobiography and it triggered deep sorrow and and a desire for Asa to have a second chance at life. I wrote to get it out.

What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your lm in the feedback video?

I stopped breathing. I cried then I thanked God.

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