Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged The West Wing
October 4th 2020 - TV Day - The West Wing Season 2 Premiere 20 years ago today

Today is Television Day. This day in history:

1957 - "Leave It to Beaver" debuts on CBS

1990 - “Beverly Hills: 90210” debuts on the new TV network FOX

2000 - The highly anticipated season 2 premiere of The West Wing: In the Shadow of Two Gunman, two hour special takes place.

This is today’s focus. The West Wing Season 2 Episode 1. There were gunshot fires during a President Bartlett rally as Season 1 faded to black. All summer long the question was - who was shot? A very network TV cliffhanger cliche on a very non-network television show.

Bradley Whitford (playing Josh Lyman) would go on to win the Best Supporting Actor Emmy for this season, plus The West Wing would beat the powerhouse HBO show “The Sopranos” and win the Emmy for Best Television series.

20 years ago the TV landscape in comparison to today’s television world is completely different.

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October 4th 2020 - TV Day - The West Wing Season 2 Premiere 20 years ago today
Matthew Toffolo
#80 - TV Episode of the Day: The West Wing Season 2, Episode 18: SEVENTEEN PEOPLE. Teleplay: Aaron Sorkin

An episode so strong there is an entire website about it:

Called a “BOTTLE” episode. Is produced cheaply and restricted in scope to use as few non-regular cast members, effects, and sets as possible. Occurs when the show is over-budget and they need to shoot a cost saving episode.

#80 - TV Episode of the Day: The West Wing Season 2, Episode 18: SEVENTEEN PEOPLE. Teleplay: Aaron S
Matthew Toffolo