Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged Camilo Velásquez A.
EP. 1104 - Camilo Velásquez A. (EQUILIBRIO)

EQUILIBRIO, 3min., Columbia
Directed by Camilo Velásquez A.
Dance and fluidity. Strength and movement.
Energy that arises from the very center and always carries itself in circular motion.
Opposing forces that are observed and acknowledged, reflecting and merging at the same time to become one and create balance.

Get to know the filmmaker:

When Punto Blanco (the brand) added Álamo, our production company, to the project in the first brainstorming meetings, we wanted to show the immensity, that nature had so much power that it visually influenced our being. We find the stillness, the fertile darkness that gives rise to life. In its mystery, we find introspection, receptivity and hidden wisdom. It is the seed deep in the earth, the calm before the storm. Counterbalanced by the vitality of nature, the burning fire that drives the action. It is the radiant sun that illuminates the world, the energy that drives us to seek new experiences and conquer horizons. In its dynamism, we find the power of transformation and passion. When Nuquí was finally proposed, we knew that this was the place that would transmit the idea.

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EP. 1104 - Camilo Velásquez A. (EQUILIBRIO)
Matthew Toffolo