Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged August 16 2022
August 16, 2022 - Actor/Director Daniel Montgomery (THE JESSICA CABIN)

THE JESSICA CABIN was the winner of BEST FEATURE FILM at the LA LGBTQ+ Film Festival.

Director Biography - Daniel Montgomery

Daniel Montgomery is an LA-based director/writer/actor known for his work in the worlds of comedy and horror. A USC School of Dramatic Arts, NC School of the Arts and UCB alum, Daniel is the artistic director and writer of LA’s premier immersive theatre company JFI Productions (Creep LA, The Willows). He is also the co-founder of sketch comedy duo turned production company Mary-Kate and Ashtray. Recent work includes award-winning short film Tall Betsy and onscreen in HBO’s Barry.

Director Statement

I wrote and directed The Jessica Cabin in the heart of the pandemic. My time stuck inside was measured by a listlessness and unsettlingly deep introspection that permeated my days: these are the bones of this film. I felt like a ghost. So I wrote about being one.

Inspiration also came from outside of myself. Shortly into the pandemic, two of my best friends, both in their early 30s, came out: one as gay, the other as non-binary. I was moved to create this film as an opportunity for them to be authentically represented onscreen for the first time. (They star in the film)

So, if those elements are the bones, the heart of this film is the universal desire to intimately connect with others. To be seen. And find reciprocated love. Everyone in the film is looking for a connection, and somehow the wires have gotten crossed. At times, to the extreme. I was inspired to portray this theme in every color: dark and light, grounded and fantastical.

Most importantly, I wanted to make a (slightly) spooky film that's decidedly queer: where the "fear" and drama doesn't come from the horror being queer; rather it's just an aspect of the characters' lives. Or, in this case, after-lives.

I hope you chuckle a few times, I hope you get the tingles, and I hope you disappear for a little while.
But not forever.

Film playing on the Film Festival Streaming service later this month. You can sign up for the 7 day free trial at (available on your streaming services and APPS). There is a DAILY film festival to watch, plus a selection of award winning films on the platform. Then it’s only $3.99 per month.

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August 16, 2022 - Actor/Director Daniel Montgomery (THE JESSICA CABIN)
Matthew David Toffolo