Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

EP. 1419: Filmmaker Bryce Ury (CALIBURN)

Directed by Bryce Ury
The legendary King Arthur goes to the Lady of the Lake for guidance, recounting both his noble deeds and tragic mistakes.

Get to know the filmmaker:

What motivated you to make this film?

I’ve always been fascinated by medieval fantasy and the power of fairy tales to distill reality into one story. My wife used to teach the story of King Arthur to her 5th grade students and the image on the front cover was of a hand reaching out of the water, grasping Excalibur. That image was very impactful and I felt like there was a way to explore that chapter in the legend of Camelot in a way that was fresh and surprising while also feeling thoroughly Arthurian.

From the idea to the finished product, how long did it take for you to make this film?

About five years passed between the first inkling of an idea and the final edit being made on the project. Passion projects can take a long time. The “passion” can come and go. One of the greatest lessons I learned was that waiting for creativity to surface is much less productive than diving in and finding it yourself.

What were your initial reactions when watching the audience talking about your film in the feedback video?

The audience feedback video I received from the festival was very surreal to witness. Knowing that there were people I hadn’t met who were watching my film and enjoying it, lauding the parts of it I was proud of, was very encouraging.

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EP. 1419: Filmmaker Bryce Ury (CALIBURN)
Matthew Toffolo