Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

EP. 1219 - Filmmaker Britt Dallyn (MOB FAMILY TIES)

MOB FAMILY TIES, 9min., Canada
Directed by Britt Dallyn
After grandpa Michael begins to unintentionally rat on old associates due to his mental decline, the Leslie’s, a mob family, face a moral dilemma whether they need to whack grandpa or not as they host his possible final meal in this send up of traditional TV sitcoms.

Get to know the filmmaker:

I made this at Vancouver Film School for what they call “demo shoots”. Meaning after we had filmed our higher budget, 2-3 day shoots throughout the year, we were given an opportunity to film one more project before the year ended to add to our demo reels. Unlike the shoots earlier in the year however, these projects had no budget and had to be filmed within the school for 1 day only. Everybody had to write a 6 page script and pitch it to the teachers as an assignment where the teachers would pick 6 to actually be filmed. So with those parameters I thought about what I had access to for free within the school. Then I thought “hey, that one pre-built set kinda looks like a sitcom set. I’ve always appreciated a good sitcom, so what if I made one of my own but with a dark kind of humour that you wouldn’t typically see in a show like this.” I found the contrast of all the cheery dressings of a sitcom mixed with a story about murder to be promising for a comedy. In short, like many solutions in film, it all came together out of necessity.

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