Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged David Gray
January 20, 2021 - Screenwriter David Gray (Kurst and Blest)

KURT & BLEST is a winning COMEDY Festival TV screenplay.

Conversation with screenwriter David Gray on his journey as a writer.

When an Angel and a Demon decide to open a restaurant, they did not expect that working with humans would be their biggest challenge.

Watch the Screenplay Reading:

Narrator: Julie Sheppard
LIVE: Hannah Ehman
IZZY: Sean Ballantyne
BOY/JAKE: Steve Rizzo
MOTHER/GOD: Kyana Teresa

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January 20, 2021 - Screenwriter David Gray (KURST AND BLEST)
Matthew Toffolo