Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

Posts tagged BEAUTY/BEAU
June 28, 2022 - Screenwriter Clare Bradley Smyth (BEAUTY/BEAU)

“BEAUTY/BEAU” is the winning LGBTQ+ TV Pilot screenplay written by Clare Bradley Smyth.

Conversation with Clare, followed by the best scene screenplay reading.

“The story of a teenage rock star whose journey begins the night they reveal being F to M. It’s prom night in Kalamazoo, IL 2003. BEAUTY ROBERTS dressed like a prom queen shakes in front of a mirror. Their prom date SAM pleads under the window to understand why she took off. Beauty wants to see themselves for who they truly are, which is Beau. Beauty/Beau is transgender. He is also a talented singer songwriter with a rock star edge. Beauty cuts off their hair, washes off their makeup, and takes off to Chicago to make it as Beau. “

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June 28, 2022 - Screenwriter Clare Bradley Smyth (BEAUTY/BEAU)
Matthew Toffolo