Telling stories through film and conversation.
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WILDsound's The Film Podcast

In each episode, the C.E.O. of WILDsound, Matthew Toffolo, chats about all things storytelling and film. Conversations with talented individual from all around the world.

EP. 1078 - Filmmaker Amelia Xanthe Boscov (TRIPPING)

Directed by Amelia Xanthe Boscov
A flirty-butch, lesbian mom (Dot-Marie Jones – GLEE, BROS), goes on a road trip with her pregnant high schooler daughter in order to get an abortion at the nearest women’s health clinic.

Get to know the filmmaker:
The main motivation was the idea that every film about abortion does not have to be a tragedy. I thought, what if traveling due to the lack of women’s health clinics wasn’t a low point in the character’s life, but instead a comedic road trip? Somehow, everyday abortions are made more and more relevant by our governments trying to end access to them.
I’m tired of abortion being a dirty word. While starting to make Tripping, I keep repeating that “it’s important to show the things and say the things.” This film won’t shy away from showing a fetus, from saying the word abortion, from showing queer relationships — the things your high school health class should have done. That being said, the abortion is just one thing that happens in Tripping. The abortion is the launchpad for an exploration of family and personal growth.

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EP. 1078 - Filmmaker Amelia Xanthe Boscov (TRIPPING)
Matthew Toffolo